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Why do Trolls fight Trolls?

Why do Trolls fight Trolls?

By Hatrick ‘Hattie’ Penry

January, 2016

Many of you have begun to recognize the methods, tactics and strategies of myriad controlled opposition agents online and in social media. You understand that they have a ‘hands off’ list : that is to say a list of what they are NOT to discuss. You also recognize that certain subjects are approved of. Subjects that won’t likely lead to anyone being arrested and held accountable, even though these subjects reveal some level of criminality, are on the list of approved topics. Controlled opposition agents then flood the arena of information with these lower level issues, or any issue that will likely never lead to a court case and possible accountability, thus burying the media of the  handful of genuine truth tellers.

Many of you are now aware that the best way to reveal a controlled opposition agent for who they are is to prompt them with material from their ‘hands off’ list and watch them squirm, doing anything and giving any reason they can think of to explain why they can’t cover the topic in question. Often, they will ignore your request in the hopes you will simply go away. Once you know they won’t touch certain sensitive topics, such as Plume-Gate, you know who is the wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing operative(s).


Now you have begun to assemble a list of shills and trolls, by way of a method that exposes the operative based on what they are not allowed to talk about. After observing their tactics and strategy for a while, and you are convinced that more likely than not those on your list are controlled opposition agents, you notice that some of those on your list are accusing others on your list of being a shill. You do not understand: if they are working together towards a common cause, why do some of the trolls engage other trolls and ‘call them out’ as trolls?

Let’s talk about what may be the most significant troll-fight of our time: Mark Dice vs. Alex Jones. Why did Mark Dice come out against Alex Jones and the evils of his Tangy Tangerine supplement? In a nutshell because enough people figured out Alex Jones was a controlled opposition operative. The move of one shill calling out another shill is a calculated risk. It is done in the hopes that a person who thinks Mr. Jones is a shill will side with Mr. Dice, who happens to be a shill also. Regardless of what side you pick, you will be trolled. Don’t like Mark Dice? Then side with Alex Jones and get trolled. Don’t like Alex Jones? Then side with Mark Dice and get trolled. Again, this is only done when two or more controlled opposition operatives have been exposed to a degree where they are losing subscribers and followers: the  hope is to capture some of those who are turning away and divert them to the other agent.

aj mark dice batman slaps robin

Of course, some will be intelligent enough to discover this ruse and realize both parties are under establishment control. Most however, will think the accuser is legit for calling out someone they were beginning to suspect was a shill and will side with and follow that agent and thus still be under the sway of a controlled opposition operative. In a similar vein you can find videos of someone ‘confronting’ a known bad guy in public (a police officer, Rudy Giuliani or Dick Cheney for example) and accusing them of some terrible thing or deed they have been done. What do these confrontation videos prove? Do they prove the accuser is a trusted good guy? If I accuse someone of being bad does that by default mean I am good? Or does it only prove that a man accused at a man? What if it were a setup, a confidence trick if you will, and a bad guy accuses a bad guy with the cameras rolling in the hopes of gaining people’s trust?

Furthermore, could Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and Bradley Manning be, on a much larger scale, disinformation agents out to gain trust by finger pointing? Did they reveal new blockbuster info like Plume-Gate or did they repackage and sell something we already knew or just give lower level dirt on our government? It is important to expose shills with real evidence that they are shills and not just accuse someone that you don’t like or you disagree with. Out them by revealing their methods, tactics and strategies and/or expose what they won’t talk about from their ‘hands off’ list. And next time two trolls from your troll list accuse each other of being trolls you can relax and enjoy a theatrical performance like few can.

(Below: my initial list of shills from 2012 based on who refused to report on Plume-Gate, the world’s largest, provable cover-up.)

34.12 troll denshill nest


Other important, related articles:

Operation Mockingbird Style Alternative Media Infiltration Exposed!!!

Operation Mockingbird Style YouTube and FaceBook Infiltrations Exposed!

Achilles Heel: 13 Reasons why Establishment Forces Utilize Controlled Opposition

Analysis of Selections from the ‘Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion’ relating to control of the press


Lowdown and Dirty: 10 Ways the Establishment Marginalizes our Freedom of Speech

Lowdown and Dirty: 10 Ways the Establishment Marginalizes our Freedom of Speech

By Hatrick ‘Hattie’ Penry

August 31st, 2015


Henry Kissinger once said: “Control the oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.”

But I say: “Control the oil and you control the nation, control food and you control people, control the information and you control the people’s perception of reality.”

Here’s 10 lowdown and dirty ways the establishment marginalizes our freedom of speech, controls the flow of information and ultimately, the public’s perception of what is real and what is important.


1) Search terms on Internet are stacked against the little guy. When you search the term ‘Fukushima Cover Up’ there is a reason Alex Jones and NaturalNews are at the top of the list and your blog is 10,000 pages down at the bottom.

2) YouTube subscriber counters can be inflated in favor of establishment controlled opposition channels or subscribers booted from legitimate channels. My wife has been booted from my YouTube channel at least twice and I can’t seem to break 4k subscribers.

3) Grooming of threads under videos/articles by countless ‘perception management specialists’.


4) A video/article can be made to ‘go viral’ by ‘boosting’ it’s number of views.

5) A video/article can be made to appear ‘stale’ by keeping view count artificially low.

6) Releasing a fake video/article that can easily be debunked in order to discourage further belief/investigation. For example: when investigators began to unearth evidence that ISIS was somehow connected with the CIA, intentionally photo-shopped pictures surfaced on the net showing an ISIS fighter in the back of a truck with a U.S. Army tattoo on his arm.

This was subsequently debunked in as public a way as possible by making popular on FaceBook/Snopes/internet. The idea is to ‘muddy the waters of information’. Some will think that they are being tricked into thinking ISIS is a CIA creation. Some will tire of sifting through information and disinformation and they will cease future investigation altogether.

This tactic is used with frequency: post Fukushima a map surfaced on the Internet purporting to be varying levels of radiation in the Pacific Ocean. It was in fact data showing the wave height from the tsunami across the Pacific. The map was sold to the public by countless perception management specialists as a map of Fukushima radiation. When the hook was firmly set, the map was debunked in as public a way as possible (FaceBook,Snopes,YouTube/blogs etc). When the operation was over, the waters of information were muddy enough to discourage the casual investigator from looking further.  (Editors note: it is my belief that Snopes is under establishment control.)

7) Flooding of the information arena with superficial and diversionary reports by controlled opposition agents.


8) Targeting of legitimate investigative journalists for character assassination, intimidation, sabotage or discrediting by FBI/CIA/military/corporate operatives.

9) Actual assassination, although this is rarely an overt act. Most are ‘suicided’ or killed in such a way as to make the death appear natural or as if an accident.

10) Hacking/sabotage of the computers of legitimate investigative journalists.

Additional Note: establishment operatives must feign attacks upon themselves or their organization in order to appear like legitimate investigative journalists who really are under attack. This is part of their wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing strategy: an effort to blend in with the civilian population.


Related Articles

Operation Mockingbird Style YouTube and FaceBook Infiltrations Exposed!

Operation Mockingbird Style Alternative Media Infiltration Exposed!!!

Approach, Infiltrate, Influence, Sabotage: Patterns of Deception in the ‘Alternative’ Media and ‘Anti’ Nuclear Movement

Achilles Heel: 13 Reasons why Establishment Forces Utilize Controlled Opposition

Why I quit the Pete Santilli Show

Why I quit the Pete Santilli Show

By Hatrick ‘Hattie’ Penry


sheriff mack and jones

“For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths.” 

2 Timothy 4:3-4

People are asking why I quit the Pete Santilli Show and they have a right to know. The reasons: hypocrisy and consorting with the enemy. Plain and Simple. How can Pete complain about Alex Jones’ aquisition of Molly Maroney, when he is drawing from the same shill circuit as InfoWars? Even to the point of interviewing Stewart Rhodes the day after Alex Jones. How is this possible? They must have known that I would have a serious problem with this, right? They must have known I cannot and will not associate myself with anyone in the Alex Jones shill-circuit, right? I can only tell you that I was shocked and dismayed. I thought this project would be different.

The video of the interview of Mr. Rhodes by Alex Jones, from Sunday the 16th, is titled: Repealing The 2nd Amendment Would Start Another Civil War.  Mr. Santilli’s interview of Mr. Rhodes is titled Episode #298 – Sheriff Mack & Stewart Rhodes Discuss The Gun Grab.

1 bogus

Interestingly enough, Sheriff Richard Mack, another long-time guest seen in-studio at the InfoWars location, was interviewed the same day, and prior to, Mr. Rhodes interview by Mr. Santilli.

On Wednesday the 19th, Stewart Rhodes bounced back to Alex Jones for another interview and can be seen in a video titled: Gun Owners Face Their Greatest Single Threat to Liberties Since 1775.

At no time did Mr. Santilli question Mr. Rhodes about Alex Jones. At no time did Mr. Jones question Mr. Rhodes about Mr. Santilli.

(Below: Bob Tuskin offered me ‘federal notes’…here is Pete’s offer from the day before his Rhodes/Mack interview…is this an attempt to ‘buy my silence’? Dear satan: please stop trying to buy my soul…it is NOT for sale)

pete offer 2

How is this possible? Who has the connections to land these two characters? Why would Mr. Santilli draw from the same shill circuit as Alex Jones? Why would they do this knowing how I (and many others) feel about the trolls that work for Jones? Why would Mr. Santilli invite me on his show and then pull a stunt like this? Isn’t that called ‘hanging someone out to dry’? Did they not think someone would make the connection? Isn’t it hypocritical to harp on Alex Jones over the aquisition of Molly Maroney and then interview two long-time guests (and good friends) of Alex Jones? If Dr. Judy Wood and her work is so important, why did Mr. Santilli essentially discredit her by having  Stewart Rhodes and Sheriff Mack, on the very next show?

I am NOT a coincidence theorist, nor am I a fool.  And while I cannot prove Mr. Santilli is a shill for having interviewed Sheriff Mack and Steweart Rhodes anymore than Mr. Santilli (or myself for that matter) could prove Alex Jones is a Stratfor shill by his aquisition of Molly Maroney, I cannot and will not allow my reputation to become further tarnished with such hypocrisy.

Thus it is with great dissapointment AND sadness that I must withdraw from Mr. Santilli’s show and withdraw my support as well. I hope you will understand.

(below) Pete Santilli threatens me, uses deplorable language and shows great respect for religion.

pete vulgarpete true colors 5

(Below: Pete Santilli’s YouTube Channel’s ‘Related Channels’….notice the link to Alex Jones. At this point I must conclude Mr. Santilli works for Alex Jones and was tasked with leading a bogus movement against him, just as Mark Dice did not so long ago.)

petes channels

(Below: A letter the hacker group ‘anonymous’ posted on the internet exposing Pete as an FBI informant. This bit of information has been on the web since October 30th, 2013…Mr. Santilli has had plenty of time to debunk it but has not. I am expecting a full written apology from the F.B.I. for having Mr. Santilli target me.)

pete santilli fbi letter

Top Ten Reasons why Plume-Gate and the NRC FOIA Transcripts pertaining to Fukushima are being suppressed

Top Ten Reasons why Plume-Gate and the NRC FOIA Transcripts pertaining to Fukushima are being suppressed

By Tony Muga aka: Hatrick Penry


FOIA plume model

Not long after I wrote about the NRC FOIA Documents pertaining to Fukushima and the vast multi-agency conspiracy to hide the radioactive plume and fallout from American citizens, I realized that alternative media was, for the most part, avoiding the subject. I had been a huge fan of Alex Jones for several years, even paying for a subscription to PrisonPlanet, but when I considered how big this conspiracy was and the number of deaths involved, I knew something was terribly wrong when Mr. Jones and his organization remained silent on the matter. I had never written for the alternative media before and just assumed it was everything I had imagined it to be. I thought they reported on all the difficult subjects that the mainstream would not. Boy was I wrong.

I wrote ‘Plume-Gate Shocker: Media Silence Raises Troubling Questions’ when I realized that InfoWars and PrisonPlanet had no intention of reporting on this blockbuster story, even though I had sent them all the information, links to specific NRC FOIA documents, and a copy of my article.

I haunted the AlexJones Channel on YouTube, posting links to my article and pointing out that InfoWars wouldn’t touch the NRC Fukushima FOIA transcripts with a 100 foot pole.  Finally, in desperation, I wrote ‘Alex Jones Troll Den/Shill Network Exposed!!!’ and it was picked up by Alexander Higgins, re-titled ‘Operation Mockingbird Style Alternative Media CIA Infiltration Exposed!!!’, and published on his blog. Alexander Higgins understood what I was talking about, as shown in the screen-capture of his ‘editor’s note’ below:

I was using my ‘HatrickPenry’ pseudo-name when I wrote articles questioning alternative media so I could continue to write for The Intel Hub, even though I was beginning to suspect that Bob Tuskin and Alex Thomas were ignoring the fact that the ‘alternative’ media was 99.9% silent on the most grandiose, provable, cover-up and conspiracy of all time.

From my book ‘Alternative Media Meltdown’:

‘Not long after ‘Operation Mockingbird Style Alternative Media CIA Infiltration’ was published, during an episode of the ‘Bob Tuskin Show’, I found out first-hand just how opposed The Intel Hub was to questioning the alternative media. The first time I was booted off the show and logged back in (under an anonymous name now) I posted a link to the ‘Operation Mockingbird Style Alternative Media CIA Infiltration’ and was promptly booted again. Logging back in a third time I was dismayed to find Alex Thomas bashing my article, making fun of it and stating how ridiculous it was! I did not hesitate to tell him who I was and how I thought about it, after all the story is over 5,000 words…there was no way he could have read it in such a short time. What I saw that night was swift judgment without even considering the evidence…something I would later come to find is a common tactic amongst the establishment mouthpieces and debunkers. Were they hiding something? Dismissing the possibility of an alternative media CIA infiltration is something a CIA infiltrator might do.’ 

When May rolled around I had almost given up on the NRC Fukushima Transcripts and ‘Plume-Gate’. I was writing satire to keep from going insane. Knowing about the cover-up that produced a death toll of over 40,000 Americans (not all could be saved but asking pregnant women to stay indoors could only have helped), knowing it was all PROVABLE in the FOIA transcripts, AND now knowing that the so-called-alternative-media was totally bought and paid for (right down to Alex Jones himself) was maddening.

So when Bob Tuskin called me and said that PrisonPlanet and NaturalNews had quoted me from my article and had asked if I might be able to be interviewed that Friday, I was surprised to say the least. Had they not read my articles accusing them of remaining silent about the NRC FOIA transcripts? Hatrick Penry is a pseudo-name, but if you Google my articles you will come across my real name and my WordPress Blog…it’s not that hard to discover the connection.

‘Plume-Gate’ Shocker: Media Silence Raises Troubling Questions’ has my name right on it and at the bottom I specifically state that I sent all the information to InfoWars and PrisonPlanet without any response. Something was fishy. Bob asked me to forward my email address to Alex but Alex already had it, after all, he did publish several of my articles, so why was I being asked to send info Alex already had? Later, when no one called me back at all, and the Friday PrisonPlanet show came and went, I began to figure things out. Arnie Gunderson was the guest and as usual, he never elaborates on the NRC FOIA transcripts relating to Fukushima and the implications thereof. Nor have I ever heard him discuss the MOX fuel situation from Daiichi unit #3. Gunderson is the industry shill who will complain just enough that folks trust him, but he holds back the best information, like what is contained within the FOIA documents and transcripts. It’s the same story everywhere I go. They tell the truth, but not the whole truth, and they won’t tell you everything right now.

So I knew something was up, I was not interviewed while Gunderson was. And what Gunderson had to say was old news, what I had to offer was a blockbuster revelation proving that the conspiracy that JFK and J. Edgar Hoover alluded to was real, and PROVABLE in the NRC Fukushima FOIA transcripts.

“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” ~J. Edgar Hoover

And so I decided to have a closer look at the article Mike Adams had written in which he used my quotes. At first glance I was pleased with the article and pleased that Mike Adams was finally taking note of the conspiracy. I was displeased to see that my erroneous fatality number in which I stated that all 18,000 deaths were stillborn was still being repeated. I myself made an immediate correction under The Intel Hub article in the comments thread the same day it was published, but even after asking Bob Tuskin twice to edit the mistake he never did. So when Mike Adams repeated this figure to Arnie Gunderson on the PrisonPlanet show live on air, I cringed in my seat while Gunderson looked stupefied; he had never heard this figure before, I assure you.

Now when I took a closer look at the NaturalNews article written by Mike Adams I begin to realize just what had happened. Instead of the blockbuster revelation of a massive multi-agency cover-up being the entire subject of the story, the passages quoted from my article and the explanation of what I had found were at the bottom of a 3-part article, with the first section being worded in such a way as to take the wind out of the tiny part at the bottom about Plume-Gate. The whole ‘we’re-all-gonna-die-if-unit-4-collapses’ was just as bogus as the Alex Thomas excuse that no one was covering Plume-Gate because they were too busy with the soon-to-be Iran war. Whatever happened to that war?

To add insult to injury, when I read the alleged ‘mirrored’ version of Mr. Mike Adams article on the PrisonPlanet website, the part where I was quoted was attributed to Alexander Higgins. I was becoming angry. All things considered, I could see a cover-up of a cover-up, and everyone was involved. It wasn’t long before I realized that The Intel Hub had gone in and changed the dates on my articles that questioned alternative media and Alex Jones.

‘Plume-Gate Shocker: Media Silence Raises Troubling Questions’ was now backdated to the same day they published ‘Blockbuster! NRC FOIA Documents reveal cover-up, deception’; but how can one question the alternative media’s lack of response to a story I just published in the alternative media the same day? Also, I noticed someone had edited my titles and removed the key words where I questioned InfoWars and PrisonPlanet.  It sure looked like a cover-up was in progress and that everyone who touched my articles was involved. Everyone.

Later when NaturalNews writer Ethan Huff wrote an article that blatantly plagiarized my own work, with the exception that instead of questioning the alterative media, he questioned the mainstream media…I fully began to understand what had happened. (Author’s note: after deleting all my articles on The Intel Hub, Alex Thomas has begun to carry and promote Ethan Huffs propaganda…try a compare and contrast of our articles below to see why.)

InfoWars to this day has never corrected the fact that ‘Higgins’ was credited with my original work, and no one who carried my article made any effort to correct the erroneous fatality figure. To this day it is still being represented as truth on PrisonPlanet, NaturalNews and InfoWars. The Intel Hub co-founder, Alex Thomas, deleted ALL my articles when I began to point this out to them. Both Alex Thomas and Bob Tuskin flew into a rage when I called them out on it. Instead of giving any rational explanation (let’s face it, there is none except they were covering for Alex Jones and Mike Adams) I was slandered, accused of being an agent, and my work was deleted.

To this very day NaturalNews, PrisonPlanet and InfoWars (along with MANY others) refuse to highlight, showcase or even revisit Plume-Gate, The NRC FOIA Documents or the incredible multi-agency cover-up that includes CDC, EPA, DHS, FEMA, the NRC, the DOE, USAID, GE, the White House and others…ALL PROVABLE IN THE NRC FUKUSHIMA TRANSCRIPTS. Why won’t they help us to force a DOJ investigation, indictments and prosecutions? If they are willing to talk about ‘Fast and Furious’, a much smaller cover-up with less fatalities and less proof, why won’t they highlight Plume-Gate? The quote below is from Mike Adams:

If you want to find out how loudly Alex Jones and Mike Adams have been shouting about Plume-Gate (not the radiation and disaster, the COVER-UP indicated in the FOIA Documents) I implore you, go to their websites and insert the search term ‘Plume-Gate’ or ‘NRC FOIA documents’ and see what kind of response you get. As a means of comparison, repeat this procedure with ‘Fast and Furious’. I have a video titled: ‘PrisonPlanet and NaturalNews Epic Fail: Plume-Gate vs. Fast and Furious’ if you’d rather watch me do it…


Top Ten Reasons why the NRC FOIA Transcripts pertaining to Fukushima are being suppressed:

1) It exposes the alternative media hoax. The very fact they refuse to report on this epic, provable cover-up, a cover-up that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans is the proof.

2) It proves FEMA and DHS useless. Why do these agencies exist if their purpose is to HIDE danger from Americans? The fact they are involved in the cover-up proves their only purpose is to protect  government and industry from being held accountable for their crimes.

3) It proves Obama is guilty of one of these three possibilities:

a) Obama is either involved in the cover-up and knows all about it or

b) Obama is conspired against and lied to by multiple agencies or

c) Obama is blissfully unaware of situations like the plume and fallout from the disaster in Japan and a complete buffoon.

Plume-gate proves one of the three possibilities is our reality and NONE of them are good.

4) It proves the left/right democrat/republican paradigm is false and they are actually working together to subvert the constitution. If Republicans care so much about the lives of children, why don’t they raise a hue and cry about Plume-Gate and the NRC FOIA documents so we may avoid another catastrophe, cover-up, and death toll in the future? And why wouldn’t republicans use this against an incompetent or corrupt Obama administration? After all, the Fukushima FOIA document release began in early July of 2011 and by February 2012, some of the most damning  information was publicly available to all.

5) It proves Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are controlled by the power elite. The NRC FOIA transcripts pertaining to Fukushima have been available to the public since Late June/early July, 2011. Why did neither candidate use them to unseat Obama? They are either incompetent, ignorant, or keeping quiet about it.

6) It proves the giant conspiracy JFK and Hoover talked about.

7) It is the nail in the coffin of nuclear power. Once Americans realize that not only do we face the danger of a BWR I reactor meltdown right here in the US, but if there ever is one, we will likely never be told the truth about it or warned about the danger in a responsible and timely manner, they will change their minds forever about nuclear power.

8) It proves, once and for all that mainstream media is completely corrupted. Please see my article on the Sumner Redstone/Fukushima connection.

9) It proves the so-called Department Of Justice has been corrupted. If Holder will prosecute Spitzer and Blagojevitch but won’t touch those involved in Plume-Gate, what does that tell us? Were Elliot and Rod targeted for political reasons?

10) It proves 99% of congress is either ignorant or corrupt.

Author’s note: Please compare and contrast my article ‘BLOCKBUSTER!!! FOIA Documents Reveal NRC Cover-Up, Deception’ vs. Ethan Huff’s article ‘Plume-gate: Secret documents prove global cover-up of continued Fukushima radiation pollution’.

One of the major differences in the two is Ethan’s careful misdirection of the fact that I am questioning ALTERNATIVE media’s response, not the mainstream. Everybody knows mainstream media is corrupt. This is careful misdirection and subversion of my original intent. Also note how they focus on ‘continued Fukushima radiation pollution’ as the essence of the cover-up when really it is all about the initial plume and their foreknowledge of it hitting the West Coast. Furthermore, I’m not concerned with a ‘global’ cover-up….It’s all about the U.S. government in the NRC FOIA transcripts and I name MULTIPLE alphabet agencies, the White Hous and I discuss the implications on the 2012 election. (You can read about the ‘thyroid doses to children in California’ here as an example…refer to pages 179-189)

Please examine Mr. Mike Adams’ article ‘Fukushima reactor No. 4 vulnerable to catastrophic collapse; could unleash 85 times Cesium-137 radiation of Chernobyl; human civilization on the brink’ and note how the world’s largest provable conspiracy is only relegated a small section at the bottom of a three-part article. Like co-founder Alex Thomas’ excuse that alternative media was/is too busy covering the impending Iran war to report on the NRC Fukushima FOIA transcripts, a war yet to happen, Mike Adams asks us to believe that Unit #4 is going to collapse and destroy the whole planet at any second, and yet, not only is Unit #4 still standing, if Mr. Adams would just read the FOIA transcripts he would know that Unit #4 was of lesser concern and that Unit #3 with the MOX fuel was of paramount importance.

It’s all just a smoke-screen if you ask me. If they had reported on all this BEFORE I wrote ‘Alex Jones Troll Den/Shill Network Exposed!’ I would think otherwise. I like to think I forced them into saying something in order to prove they were not controlled opposition, so all-out damage control was in order…from backdating my articles by Alex Thomas, to ‘accidentally’ attributing my quotes to Alexander Higgins by PrisonPlanet, to changing the subject on Ethan’s article…just have a look, once you familiarize yourself with the facts it’s pretty obvious what they did.

And finally, whatever happened to Mike Adams saying ‘this issue needs to be front and center’? And whatever happened to Alex Thomas doing his own reports on Plume-Gate like they both promised? I say let them be known by their actions. Or rather, inaction.

~Mike Adams

~Alex Thomas