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InfoWars is NOT ‘Fake News’

InfoWars is NOT ‘Fake News’

by Hatrick Penry

December, 2016

As you may be aware mainstream media has produced a list of ‘fake news’ sites. On that list is Alex Jones’ InfoWars. I want to be perfectly clear: InfoWars is NOT fake news. It is however, a ‘limited hangout’ operation. That is to say: some truthful information is given along with a little disinformation and a whole lot of omission of the really important things you need to know. There are a great many ‘limited hangouts’ among the so-called alternative media, which really is no alternative at all, and their purpose is to flood the pool of information with lower level malfeasance while avoiding discussion of the really big stories like Plume-Gate. The effect is to set the topic of conversation, just as mainstream has done for many years.

(Below: logo similarities….coincidence?)

33 logo similarities

Back in 2011, when InfoWars refused to cover the NRC FOIA documents that prove an orchestrated cover-up of the Fukushima plumes and fallout, even when I prompted them several times, I realized something was amiss. InfoWars was not the only ‘alternative’ media site to ignore and/or block me or my information. Ultimately, 5 years after the release of those documents, I estimate less than 1% of the so-called alternative media chose to cover this monumental story. What does this mean?
The answer: an Operation Mockingbird infiltration of alternative media has occurred, just as it did many years ago in the mainstream media.
Why would mainstream media point the finger at InfoWars if InfoWars is just another limited hangout operation?
It’s simple: mainstream has been dealt a serious blow following the 2016 election and the establishment knows that droves of people who obtained their news from mainstream sources will be turning to the alternative media for their news. If you don’t trust mainstream media and mainstream media produces a list of ‘fake news’ sites then those sites must be legit, right?
Wrong. The idea is to make sure that those disillusioned with mainstream media are steered towards the establishment controlled opposition websites and personalities….either way you are being deceived, although as I’ve stated above, you will get more truth from InfoWars than ABC News for example…and they have give you more to gain your confidence: it is a confidence trick that is being played upon the masses.

(Below: From the NRC’s FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima: proof positive that Navy sailors were sacrificed to hide the truth about how bad Fukushima really was…just keep changing the variables, re-run the modeling and kapoof! Now you don’t have to move Navy ships out of the way! How can InfoWars and Alex Jones not report on this?)

11 navy ships


You need to understand that 95% of all media is being controlled to one degree or another….it is like the layers of an onion, the deeper you go the more truth they will give, to an extent. In the alternative media, where more truth is given, the lies and disinformation are much more effective. And in the case of omission, when 99 of 100 media outlets cover only topics A, B and C, then topics X, Y and Z are not noticed as being absent-especially when folks have never heard of them. Plume-Gate is a great example of omission. And it’s not lying if you just refuse to talk about ‘hands-off’ subjects such as the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima.

On a fundamental level it’s all about control of information and no one does it better than the establishment. To be clear: as long as these wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing operations exist, especially in the numbers that they do, our freedom of speech is being subverted and perverted. The Constitution is being violated. This, in my opinion, should be a crime: intentionally deceiving the American public, in an orchestrated manner, especially when it costs lives. Arrests should be made, charges brought and people put on trial.

To better understand the establishment’s strategy of deception, I’ve tried to classify those searching for the truth based on their level of awareness:

The 1st herd: these are the masses of indoctrinated and brainwashed who rely on mainstream sources and consider them gospel. They are deep in the matrix.

The 2nd herd: lesser in number than the 1st herd, although their ranks are swelling, the 2nd herd has awakened to the fact that mainstream news is under establishment control and cannot be trusted. Sadly, they still don’t realize that the alternative media is also under establishment control and thus they are vulnerable to disinformation and omission …..tactics I have described above.

The 3rd herd: although few in numbers, comparatively speaking, the 3rd herd understands that 95% of all media is under the sway of the establishment, to one degree or another. They are aware that much of the alternative media is a trap, waiting for unsuspecting members of the 1st herd who are waking up to the fact Mainstream Media is totally unreliable and are searching for other sources of news.

I hope this clarifies the recent ‘fake news’ list and puts it into a context you can understand. The level of deception we are experiencing is unprecedented…perhaps we should rename the age we are living in as the ‘disinformation age’ instead of the ‘information age’. There would be one tiny bit less disinformation if we did.


Important links:

Something Wicked This Way Comes: the Story of Plume-Gate the World’s Largest Provable Cover-Up in PDF

Operation Mockingbird Style Alternative Media Infiltration Exposed!!!

Operation Mockingbird style YouTube and Facebook Infiltrations Exposed!!!

Achilles Heel: 13 Reasons why Establishment Forces Utilize Controlled Opposition

Alex Jones Avoids NRC FOIA Documents For 4 Years. Why?

Why do Trolls fight Trolls?

Why do Trolls fight Trolls?

By Hatrick ‘Hattie’ Penry

January, 2016

Many of you have begun to recognize the methods, tactics and strategies of myriad controlled opposition agents online and in social media. You understand that they have a ‘hands off’ list : that is to say a list of what they are NOT to discuss. You also recognize that certain subjects are approved of. Subjects that won’t likely lead to anyone being arrested and held accountable, even though these subjects reveal some level of criminality, are on the list of approved topics. Controlled opposition agents then flood the arena of information with these lower level issues, or any issue that will likely never lead to a court case and possible accountability, thus burying the media of the  handful of genuine truth tellers.

Many of you are now aware that the best way to reveal a controlled opposition agent for who they are is to prompt them with material from their ‘hands off’ list and watch them squirm, doing anything and giving any reason they can think of to explain why they can’t cover the topic in question. Often, they will ignore your request in the hopes you will simply go away. Once you know they won’t touch certain sensitive topics, such as Plume-Gate, you know who is the wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing operative(s).


Now you have begun to assemble a list of shills and trolls, by way of a method that exposes the operative based on what they are not allowed to talk about. After observing their tactics and strategy for a while, and you are convinced that more likely than not those on your list are controlled opposition agents, you notice that some of those on your list are accusing others on your list of being a shill. You do not understand: if they are working together towards a common cause, why do some of the trolls engage other trolls and ‘call them out’ as trolls?

Let’s talk about what may be the most significant troll-fight of our time: Mark Dice vs. Alex Jones. Why did Mark Dice come out against Alex Jones and the evils of his Tangy Tangerine supplement? In a nutshell because enough people figured out Alex Jones was a controlled opposition operative. The move of one shill calling out another shill is a calculated risk. It is done in the hopes that a person who thinks Mr. Jones is a shill will side with Mr. Dice, who happens to be a shill also. Regardless of what side you pick, you will be trolled. Don’t like Mark Dice? Then side with Alex Jones and get trolled. Don’t like Alex Jones? Then side with Mark Dice and get trolled. Again, this is only done when two or more controlled opposition operatives have been exposed to a degree where they are losing subscribers and followers: the  hope is to capture some of those who are turning away and divert them to the other agent.

aj mark dice batman slaps robin

Of course, some will be intelligent enough to discover this ruse and realize both parties are under establishment control. Most however, will think the accuser is legit for calling out someone they were beginning to suspect was a shill and will side with and follow that agent and thus still be under the sway of a controlled opposition operative. In a similar vein you can find videos of someone ‘confronting’ a known bad guy in public (a police officer, Rudy Giuliani or Dick Cheney for example) and accusing them of some terrible thing or deed they have been done. What do these confrontation videos prove? Do they prove the accuser is a trusted good guy? If I accuse someone of being bad does that by default mean I am good? Or does it only prove that a man accused at a man? What if it were a setup, a confidence trick if you will, and a bad guy accuses a bad guy with the cameras rolling in the hopes of gaining people’s trust?

Furthermore, could Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and Bradley Manning be, on a much larger scale, disinformation agents out to gain trust by finger pointing? Did they reveal new blockbuster info like Plume-Gate or did they repackage and sell something we already knew or just give lower level dirt on our government? It is important to expose shills with real evidence that they are shills and not just accuse someone that you don’t like or you disagree with. Out them by revealing their methods, tactics and strategies and/or expose what they won’t talk about from their ‘hands off’ list. And next time two trolls from your troll list accuse each other of being trolls you can relax and enjoy a theatrical performance like few can.

(Below: my initial list of shills from 2012 based on who refused to report on Plume-Gate, the world’s largest, provable cover-up.)

34.12 troll denshill nest


Other important, related articles:

Operation Mockingbird Style Alternative Media Infiltration Exposed!!!

Operation Mockingbird Style YouTube and FaceBook Infiltrations Exposed!

Achilles Heel: 13 Reasons why Establishment Forces Utilize Controlled Opposition

Analysis of Selections from the ‘Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion’ relating to control of the press


Lowdown and Dirty: 10 Ways the Establishment Marginalizes our Freedom of Speech

Lowdown and Dirty: 10 Ways the Establishment Marginalizes our Freedom of Speech

By Hatrick ‘Hattie’ Penry

August 31st, 2015


Henry Kissinger once said: “Control the oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.”

But I say: “Control the oil and you control the nation, control food and you control people, control the information and you control the people’s perception of reality.”

Here’s 10 lowdown and dirty ways the establishment marginalizes our freedom of speech, controls the flow of information and ultimately, the public’s perception of what is real and what is important.


1) Search terms on Internet are stacked against the little guy. When you search the term ‘Fukushima Cover Up’ there is a reason Alex Jones and NaturalNews are at the top of the list and your blog is 10,000 pages down at the bottom.

2) YouTube subscriber counters can be inflated in favor of establishment controlled opposition channels or subscribers booted from legitimate channels. My wife has been booted from my YouTube channel at least twice and I can’t seem to break 4k subscribers.

3) Grooming of threads under videos/articles by countless ‘perception management specialists’.


4) A video/article can be made to ‘go viral’ by ‘boosting’ it’s number of views.

5) A video/article can be made to appear ‘stale’ by keeping view count artificially low.

6) Releasing a fake video/article that can easily be debunked in order to discourage further belief/investigation. For example: when investigators began to unearth evidence that ISIS was somehow connected with the CIA, intentionally photo-shopped pictures surfaced on the net showing an ISIS fighter in the back of a truck with a U.S. Army tattoo on his arm.

This was subsequently debunked in as public a way as possible by making popular on FaceBook/Snopes/internet. The idea is to ‘muddy the waters of information’. Some will think that they are being tricked into thinking ISIS is a CIA creation. Some will tire of sifting through information and disinformation and they will cease future investigation altogether.

This tactic is used with frequency: post Fukushima a map surfaced on the Internet purporting to be varying levels of radiation in the Pacific Ocean. It was in fact data showing the wave height from the tsunami across the Pacific. The map was sold to the public by countless perception management specialists as a map of Fukushima radiation. When the hook was firmly set, the map was debunked in as public a way as possible (FaceBook,Snopes,YouTube/blogs etc). When the operation was over, the waters of information were muddy enough to discourage the casual investigator from looking further.  (Editors note: it is my belief that Snopes is under establishment control.)

7) Flooding of the information arena with superficial and diversionary reports by controlled opposition agents.


8) Targeting of legitimate investigative journalists for character assassination, intimidation, sabotage or discrediting by FBI/CIA/military/corporate operatives.

9) Actual assassination, although this is rarely an overt act. Most are ‘suicided’ or killed in such a way as to make the death appear natural or as if an accident.

10) Hacking/sabotage of the computers of legitimate investigative journalists.

Additional Note: establishment operatives must feign attacks upon themselves or their organization in order to appear like legitimate investigative journalists who really are under attack. This is part of their wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing strategy: an effort to blend in with the civilian population.


Related Articles

Operation Mockingbird Style YouTube and FaceBook Infiltrations Exposed!

Operation Mockingbird Style Alternative Media Infiltration Exposed!!!

Approach, Infiltrate, Influence, Sabotage: Patterns of Deception in the ‘Alternative’ Media and ‘Anti’ Nuclear Movement

Achilles Heel: 13 Reasons why Establishment Forces Utilize Controlled Opposition

Global Warming, Climate Change and Collapse Theorists Suffer Selective Memory Loss

Global Warming, Climate Change and Collapse Theorists Suffer Selective Memory Loss

By Hatrick ‘Hattie’ Penry

August 13th, 2015

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It appears to me that there are several large, organized groups circulating around the internet promoting either ‘Global Warming’, ‘Climate Change’ or the ‘Collapse Theory’. Those participating in the promotion of these subjects can be found on FaceBook, YouTube, Blogs, Websites, online radio shows and other places online and in social media. It is of course very nice of them to alert us to the obvious fact that our environment is degrading and there will be consequences to pay for it, but it seems they are suffering from a form of selective memory loss: they have omitted any discussion of the possibility that these doomsday scenarios could be intentionally engineered.

This should be a red flag for everyone. For instance, when I read an article about ‘climate change’ in the Huffington Post and I see no mention of geo-engineering or climate modification I know something is wrong. Is it rational to discuss climate change without pointing out that it may be intentionally manufactured? Fair and unbiased reporting demands that all sides of a story are covered, even if one of those sides shines a negative light on the establishment.

“In the broadest sense, weather-modification can be divided into two major categories: suppression and intensification of weather patterns. In extreme cases, it might involve the creation of completely new weather patterns, attenuation or control of severe storms, or even alteration of global climate on a far-reaching and/or long-lasting scale.” from “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” a research paper submitted to the Air Force in August of 1996

I’ve noticed this tactic before. Back in 2012, not long after I began to write about the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Freedom of Information documents pertaining to Fukushima and the cover-up revealed within, I realized that the ‘alternative media’ and the so-called ‘anti-nuclear’ movement were ignoring all the evidence I had accumulated. They talked an awful lot about how bad radiation was. They talked an awful lot about how bad Fukushima was. But they seemed to have suffered from selective memory loss over the NRC FOIA documents. It was glaring. It was obvious. And still to this day how many broadcasters, journalists and bloggers have you seen covering the NRC FOIA documents?

 “I do agree that there has been a deafening silence in the alternative media over this massive government orchestrated cover-up. It’s not about the alternative media not covering the disaster. It is about the alternative [media] not covering the recently released documents that prove there was a concerted government cover-up.” -Author/Blogger Alexander Higgins in 2012

What else could I conclude but that the so-called ‘anti-nuclear’ movement was some sort of giant disinformation ring, a shill-network if you will. Their main strategy is to flood social media with myriad discussions about Fukushima but to avoid any talk of the massive multi-agency cover-up revealed in the FOIA transcripts. The overall effect is that the casual observer will, 99 times out of a hundred, come across the media of this massive disinformation network instead of the media of a handful of truth tellers: their numbers are many, our numbers are few. Most casual investigators, searching for the truth about Fukushima, or climate change for that matter, will never see all the evidence they will need to make an informed decision.

It is an illusion that you are being told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It is in reality a confidence trick. A sin of omission. And, as I have explained before, like cutting off a gangrenous toe to save the leg. The establishment is willing to give you some dirt, maybe a lot of dirt, on their dirty deeds, but the worst of the worst, the most damaging information is being withheld. Do you understand that this can only work by having a massive network of ‘perception management specialists’ at the disposal of the establishment? A network of shills large enough to flood the internet with countless superficial issues of a lower priority thus covering up the most serious issues that might really lead to charges and someone going to jail. This is the only reason that Plume-Gate has never ‘gone viral’. This is the reason the public talks about Climate Change whilst knowing nothing of the topic of geo-engineering. The information monopoly is too strong. Their numbers are too many. Their influence too strong.

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And so the establishment must be pleased about the selective memory loss that causes promoters of Global Warming, Climate Change, or an impending collapse to forget to mention the possibility of intentional climate modification. Do they not consider the possibility that the degrading environment we are experiencing is being hastened by the ongoing geo-engineering campaign? To be sure man’s activity on earth is having a detrimental effect on our environment and will ultimately cause a collapse if unchecked, that I do not deny. But isn’t it possible that intentional geo-engineering is hastening this process? Shouldn’t this be a part of any logical discussion of global warming, climate change or a future collapse? It may be up to you to ensure that it is.

Important Links

Government Documents Link Global Warming to Advanced Military Climate Modification Technology


 Plume-Gate Abstract

Something Wicked This Way Comes: the Story of Plume-Gate the World’s Largest Provable Cover-Up in PDF

Alex Jones Avoids NRC FOIA Documents For 4 Years. Why?

Alex Jones Avoids NRC FOIA Documents For 4 Years. Why?

by Hatrick Penry

“I do agree that there has been a deafening silence in the alternative media over this massive government orchestrated cover-up. It’s not about the alternative media not covering the disaster. It is about the alternative [media] not covering the recently released documents that prove there was a concerted government cover-up.” -Author/Blogger Alexander Higgins in 2012

(Below: from the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima-an example of how important these transcripts are…proof positive that NRC officials sacrificed the lives of our sailors to avoid the ‘angst’ of moving Navy ships and revealing to the American public the danger of a ‘repeated plume event’ headed their way.)

11 navy ships

For 4 long years Alex Jones and his guests have avoided reading from the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima. Mr. Jones has covered almost every aspect of the Fukushima disaster, but one common thread remains among Mr. Jones, his crew and his myriad guests: none have ever read from the NRC FOIA documents. Mr. Jones has had some big names from the so-called anti-nuclear movement on his show in the past: Arnie Gundersen, Greg Palast, Chris Busby and Helen Caldicott, among others…but not a single one has read from the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima. Is this a coincidence?

Back in 2012 I sent all the information I had in regards to the Plume-Gate cover-up and the NRC FOIA documents to InfoWars and was roundly ignored. Why? Do they consider the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima to be irrelevant?

“Don’t kid yourself for a second that it’s insignificant that Arnie [Gundersen] would go on Alex Jones’ show and refuse to come on mine.” -Author/Broadcaster Michael C. Ruppert in 2014

(Below: from the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima-I amassed over 100 pages of hard evidence that the Unit 4 spent fuel pool caught fire and was a ‘melt on the floor’…even the IAEA admits it burned and released radiation for at least 9 hours. Please note an orchestrated hoax meant to convince the world that the Unit 4 spent fuel has been offloaded is circulating amongst mainstream and alternative media alike. Interestingly enough, the same entities perpetuating this falsehood are also the ones refusing to read from the NRC FOIA documents.)

7 unit 4 zirc fire catastrophe march 15th

At the end of the day I can only tell you that the blame cannot fall on the shoulders of InfoWars alone: the ‘alternative media’ in general has failed miserably when it comes to informing the public about the Plume-Gate cover-up and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Freedom Of Information Act documents pertaining to Fukushima.

It’s been 4 long years. What are they waiting for?

(Authors note: I am available anytime to read from the NRC FOIA documents for Mr. Jones or to provide for him specific screen captures he may read himself if he prefers.)

Important Links

Plume-Gate Abstract (an easy, short read covering the fundamentals)

Something Wicked This Way Comes: the Story of Plume-Gate, the World’s Largest, Provable Cover-Up (free e-book in pdf form, the complete essential Plume-Gate)

Operation Mockingbird Style Alternative Media Infiltration Exposed!!! (all about the infiltration and subversion of the Alternative Media)

Operation Mockingbird Style YouTube and FaceBook Infiltrations Exposed!

Operation Mockingbird Style YouTube and FaceBook Infiltrations Exposed!

Operation Mockingbird Style YouTube and FaceBook Infiltrations Exposed!

By Hatrick Penry


zzzzzzzz spyyy

In March of 2012 I wrote “Operation Mockingbird Style Alternative Media Infiltration Exposed!” and revealed that 95% of ‘alternative’ media outlets were controlled opposition and had, among other things, done their best to shield Obama (and the nuclear industry for that matter) from the consequences of Plume-Gate during his election run for a 2nd term.

My reasoning was simple: blockbuster evidence of a massive conspiracy and cover-up was being ignored by the so-called ‘alternative’ media. Considering the size and scope of the Plume-Gate cover-up, the incredible amount of evidence found in the FOIA documents and considering the projected 1.3 million American fatalities, it was obvious that the so-called ‘alternative’ media was no alternative at all. An ‘Operation: Mockingbird’ style infiltration had taken place just as it had years before in the mainstream media: gatekeeping and disinformation were now the order of the day.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” ~Chinese Proverb

I want you to be able to determine for yourself what media outlets are acting in your best interest and which ones are not. When groups work together as ‘gatekeepers’ to withhold important and often incriminating information from the general  public, I refer to them as ‘shill networks’ or ‘troll dens’. To determine controlled opposition outlets and their ‘satellite stations’ follow these simple steps:

1)      Start with an examination of the largest, most powerful media outlets or ‘figureheads’ first.

2)      Determine if they are avoiding (or reporting on very superficially-see below) one or more grave, provable stories such as Plume-Gate. Keep in mind that a media outlet specializing in economics would be excused for not reporting on Plume-Gate but would not be excused for not reporting on an economic conspiracy/fraud/crime. (The factor to consider here is one of specialization. Alternative media outlets such as InfoWars/PrisonPlanet, outlets that cover everything imaginable up to and including shape-shifting reptilians, have no excuse for avoiding the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima and the world’s largest, provable conspiracy and cover-up.)

Note: in order to bolster your case that a suspected media outlet is avoiding a story and is thus controlled opposition, forward all relevant information to that outlet, maybe even more than once if they remain silent on the matter after your first attempt. Document your evidence and allow sufficient time to expire before concluding the story will not be touched upon (or that it will be reported on superficially).

3)      Once you determine that a media outlet/personality is compromised, begin an investigation into known associates: especially if they are reporters or writers. Determine if they also are not reporting on, or reporting on very superficially, the same (or other) subjects. Determine background/history of those same persons. It is important to note when there is a lack of information available about a particular media personality. Some of these characters seem to appear out of thin air. Get to know the figureheads that have little or no background.

4)      Starting with the largest, most powerful compromised outlet/figurehead first, draw a map connecting other compromised outlets/figureheads to the ‘mastermind’ outlet in order of descending importance (i.e.: the closest to the central control outlet will be the most influential and those furthest away will have the least influence. )

5)      You now have a ‘map’ of a suspected shill network complete with ‘master’ and ‘slave’ outlets. Compare your notes and findings with other researchers and the general public and refine your analysis as needed.

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(pictured above: my original alternative media ‘troll den’ map as I saw it in March of 2012. Until I wrote ‘Plume-Gate Shocker: Media Silence Raises Troubling Questions’ and ‘Operation Mockingbird Style Alternative Media Infiltration Exposed!’, articles which directly implicated PrisonPlanet, InfoWars and other popular alternative media figureheads as controlled opposition, there was a deafening silence on the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima. Special thanks to Alexander Higgins for his bravery in publishing ‘Operation Mockingbird Style Alternative Media Infiltration Exposed!’ when others, like Alex Thomas of The IntelHub, refused even to read the article, let alone print it.)

 Superficial Reporting

It is easy to detect when a media outlet or personality is avoiding a subject in its entirety. But when an outlet reports superficially on a story, avoiding perhaps the most critical facet of the gem in question, it is much more difficult for the layman investigator to know this and understand that it is not an accident but by design.

Three examples of ‘superficial reporting’ are:

1)      Reporting on Al-Qaeda terrorism without mentioning the fact that Al-Qaeda was created by U.S. intelligence.

zzzzzzz ap bogus

2)      Reporting on chemtrails in general  instead of reporting on Hurricane Sandy being engineered, intensified and directed and

3)      Reporting on the Navy personnel that are suing TEPCO for radiation sickness but not reporting on the NRC FOIA documents that prove the NRC and Navy also knew about multiple plumes and high radiation doses and chose not to act on it.


Superficial reporting always deflects and diverts from the core issue at hand. Know the core issue and you will know the side issues by default. It is analogous to the difference between a problem and a symptom of a problem.  Treating the latter will never solve the former, just as arguing or reporting on a superficial aspect of a story will likely never result in any solution, accountability or justice in that particular matter.


The YouTube and FaceBook infiltrations

“…I do notice one astonishing trend developing in the alternative media and that is the constant attention being placed on complete distractions such to the point that one can clearly see the focus of the coverage migrating toward E! News style tabloid conspiracy theories.” ~blogger Alexander Higgins

It was inevitable that our adversaries construct and promote social media like YouTube and FaceBook. With the rise of the internet and the information age, establishment think tanks knew that the potential for the general population to bypass government censors and share information directly was going to grow to dangerous levels. Information sharing that had, if nothing else, the potential to incriminate key figures in power. The countermeasure was simple: create social media websites, promote them, and then use them as a medium of control.

In order for bogus ‘alternative’ media outlets to be effective they require the assistance of ‘satellite stations’. These ‘satellite stations’, serve myriad purposes from backing  up and promoting fear based propaganda and disinformation to simply joining the deafening silence on a particular subject- after all, if no one seems to be talking about it, it must be a non-issue, right? ‘Satellite stations’ also serve up a full-plate of tabloid style conspiracy theories in an effort to distract and divert the attention of the general public…have you seen the latest Bigfoot story?

big foot 2

 ‘Satellite stations’ also add legitimacy to the control outlets they serve by promoting their stories, articles and videos as if they were genuine, factual and relevant. On FaceBook and YouTube these slave outlets post and promote articles and videos that originate from the control outlet, acting as a propaganda amplifier in an effort to saturate media with superficial or diversionary stories. At the same time, the slave outlet will ‘groom’ the comment thread(s) by adding comments that agree with the article or video (often with multiple bogus sockpuppet accounts under the control of one person), by adding comments that disagree with those opposed to the article/video and by deleting comments which call into question the article/video or control outlet.

Keep in mind that much like the bogus sockpuppet accounts found on YouTube with no identifiable person(s) behind the channel, ‘satellite stations’ also operate under conditions of anonymity. You will find a distinct lack of personal pictures, a lack of viable connections to friends and family and/or a lack of history in general: the account is essentially a ‘straw-man’ profile and is likely one of many that a single person is operating. When questioned and hard-pressed to identify who they really are, as in the name and provable identity of whomever is operating the account, these wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing operatives always give themselves away when they are unable or unwilling to do so. It might be a good time to investigate your FaceBook friends and the YouTube channel(s) you are subscribed to and clean house, so to speak. Do you really know who they are? If they are real, they can prove their identity.

The Trickle-down Effect

“You can fool some of the people all the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.” ~G.W. Bush

Considering what we know about InfoWars’ unwillingness to report on the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima and considering the circumstances surrounding ‘Molly-Gate’ (Alex Jones aquisition of Molly Maroney from George Friedman’s STRATFOR), it should now be clear to any intelligent person that Alex Jones and company are controlled opposition (there are myriad other reasons, but for now let us settle on the two biggest ones). Thus anyone who at this point continues to promote, post and publish InfoWars stories and/or videos is either incredibly ignorant, suffering from extreme cognitive dissonance or a suspected ‘satellite’ station under the control of Alex Jones. I don’t buy the argument that a particular story or video is being posted because it has some truth to it even if others do not. Propaganda outlets often use a ‘honey-trap’ article/video to lure unsuspecting readers to their website where the bulk of disinformation awaits them. This one rare article, the one that is largely relevant and truthful, is more a recruiting tool than anything else.

The reason I advise people NOT to post articles/videos from the controlled opposition, even though they may be accurate is twofold:

1)      You are essentially working as a recruiting agent for that particular outlet and

2)      ‘Copying and pasting’ articles/videos from controlled opposition outlets adds a sense of legitimacy to the article/video and to the outlet itself simply because of the ‘everyone is posting it so it must be right’ mentality (also known as the ‘herd’ mentality). The mainstream media is a perfect example of this.

When copy/paste tactics are used on a large scale in concert with the ‘slave outlets’ found on YouTube, FaceBook, and other social media, the effects described above are magnified exponentially.  Combine the ever-present grooming/maintenance of comment threads with an endless supply of ‘yes men’ sockpuppet accounts and you have a social engineering force to be reckoned with. It is critical you understand that InfoWars as a stand-alone propaganda outlet would only be marginally effective. Once discovered as controlled opposition, it would be very difficult to retain and acquire future victims/followers: any campaign mounted against it would be on equal footing, at least as far as the ability to project information.  However, once you combine the forces of the ‘master’ outlet with the ‘slave’ outlets, then the true potential of this dynamic is realized and the propaganda machine becomes a disinformation juggernaut of incredible force.

Are you part of the problem or part of the Solution?

“Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.” ~from the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion (read my analysis here)

 There are two countermeasures to the Operation: Mockingbird style alternative media, FaceBook and YouTube infiltrations:

1)      Ignore controlled opposition ‘master’ and ‘slave’ outlets and ostracize their figureheads. Do not donate money to or finance their operation in any way. Do not copy/paste or link to media from these establishment mouthpieces as so doing essentially promotes and legitimizes their propaganda.

2)      Stop letting others speak for you and speak out for yourself. Become a freelance investigative reporter. Start a blog and start writing. Open a YouTube channel of your own. Start calling out the trolls, shills and controlled opposition whenever and wherever you find them. Utilize the tactics and strategies from my article ‘Countermeasures to the Mass, Alternative and Independent Media Infiltrations’ listed below:


1. You must become a citizen reporter. Carry your camera, video recorder, notepad and pen wherever you go.

2. Understand the nature of propaganda…its purpose is to control you and to ’inflame passions’…if you recognize this, it is much less effective. Once you understand what is ‘approved’ news material (Bilderberg, Kony 2012, DHS bullet acquisition, TSA, Fast and Furious, Ron Paul, Obama birth certificate, sinkhole hoax, Bigfoot etc.), and what is ‘occult’, or hidden from view (5,200 Pentagon/DOD child porn downloaders, Plume-Gate NRC FOIA documents, US helping Japan produce weapons grade plutonium), you will be able to immediately recognize the pattern. Future propaganda will be useless against you. Please read “Propaganda” by Edward Bernays and “Analysis of Selections from the ‘Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion’ relating to control of the press” if you have not already. These are MUST READS if you want to understand propaganda and controlled opposition.

3. Do NOT send your articles to other websites unless you know the editor/publisher personally. Utilize a medium such as a WordPress blog (free) instead. As long as you do not promote violence or criminal acts, NO ONE can make you shut down or remove your blog. Remember that most of these places want to sucker you in to write for them as then they have CONTROL over your work. Cut out the middleman, start a blog. Do not fall for the chat room/thread discussions, either they understand and agree or not, 100 trolls actively trying to convince everyone that up is down or hot is cold does not help. Confusing the reader is a popular tactic. Don’t let them use this to their advantage. Think of that thread/chat room as the bridge under which all the trolls live. (The exception would be if you have an intelligent and large enough group of critical thinkers amongst your subscribers that the trolls will be outnumbered and ineffective)

4. Utilize BlogTalkRadio (free), Vimeo and/or YouTube. Use multiple accounts as a back-up in case you are shut-down or hacked for bogus reasons. When you are utilizing YouTube, be sure to set your important videos to ‘creative commons’ and ask your subscribers to mirror them. In the event YT shuts your channel down, copies of your videos will still exist online and can be accessed. Those same videos can be mirrored back onto your new channel when the time comes. Shutting down a single YT channel is easy. Shutting down the hundreds that will mirror you is not.

5. Start your own website. and others offers these kinds of services for cheap. Again, you have 100% control over your work.

6. Turn away (this includes not buying their products or sending donations) from unreliable alternative media sites.  By patronizing these controlled establishment propaganda outlets you only legitimize them. Refer to blogs and small ‘mom and pop’ outlets, the library, FOIA documents, books,  even certain elements of the independent media…anything but the big propaganda outlets…UNLESS you are studying their methods/subject material or just want to know what they are pushing/selling the sheeple.

7. Understand what the effects of fear and intimidation have on you. The reason the FBI has had a history of harassing bloggers is because bloggers are effective. Always remember our sacred document, the Constitution of the United States of America…it guarantees your right to free speech.

8. If you can afford to, never profit from your work, never advertise, never sell products, and always give your information away for free. Use the disclaimer below and draw from public domain images and audio from websites like and Bing public domain images.

FAIR USE NOTICE: These Videos and articles may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:

9. Never and I repeat NEVER, extoll or promote violence. Only through unity and enlightenment will the world become a better place. Think MLK and Gandhi.  Think about the righteous path.