Monthly Archives: August 2013

Debunking ‘Alternative’ media disinformation on Fukushima Unit 4 Spent Fuel Pool

Debunking ‘Alternative’ media disinformation on Fukushima Unit 4 SFP

by Hatrick Penry


aj psy op

(above: psy-op logo)

The same ‘alternative’ media outlets who have refused to report on Plume-Gate and the NRC FOIA documents seem to be promoting, in an organized and orchestrated fashion,  disinformation regarding the situation with the Fukushima Unit 4 Spent Fuel Pool. A perpetual Unit 4 ‘doomsday’ scenario is being promoted on a regular basis. If it’s not the threat of Unit 4 collapsing and destroying all life on Earth it’s the threat of an accident during the offloading of spent fuel bundles from Unit 4 causing certain doom for our planet. The problem with this is, according to what I have read thus far in the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima, the worst of the worst has already happened with the Unit 4 SFP…a complete loss of coolant and a zirconium cladding fire. The result would likely have been melted fuel rods and a mass of super-heated corium.

The purpose of this organized campaign of disinformation and fear-mongering is to convince you that the worst of the worst has NOT already happened with the Unit 4 spent fuel pool and the bundles of fuel rods stored there. By extension, this is just another facet of the gem of a cover-up I call Plume-Gate.

To be clear: I would like to stress that I do not have absolute proof that the fuel rods at the Unit 4 spent fuel pool have melted and are irretrievable. But what I can tell you is that everything I have read thus far in the NRC FOIA documents stands in direct contradiction to what we are being told by these ‘alternative’ media outlets. Please examine the evidence and decide for yourself…

(below) NaturalNews propaganda and fear mongering from May 6th, 2012.

0.1 unit 4 propaganda 2


(below) More propaganda from October 16th, 2012. This time Unit 4  is ‘…on verge of complete collapse’.

0.2 unit 4 propaganda


(below) Fast forward to 2013…the deception continues…and the fear mongering!

1 intellihub on sfp 4

(below) Satellite stations on FaceBook and YouTube parrot the original article. If you’ve read one of these reports on Unit 4, you’ve read them all.

2 intellihub propaganda

(below) Known disinformation outlet RT refuses to report on Plume-Gate and the NRC FOIA documents but isn’t above a bit of fear mongering…

2.5 radchick debunked 1

(below) Disinformation and gatekeeping king Alex Jones continues to regurgitate the same old propaganda and fear mongering. Interestingly enough, Mr. Jones knows all about the NRC FOIA documents…because I sent him all the information, even haunting his YouTube videos and ‘calling him out’ when it became obvious he was purposefully avoiding Plume-Gate. Why won’t he reveal what the NRC FOIA documents say about Unit 4?

4 unit 4 BS aj


(below) February of 2012: I send InfoWars everything they need to know about Plume-Gate and the cover-up and conspiracy indicated in the NRC FOIA documents. There is no excuse for the so-called leader in ‘alternative’ media to remain ignorant and promote inaccurate information this late in the game, especially when the facts were handed to them on a silver platter back in February of 2012. The sad fact is, as I put the finishing touches on my book about Plume-Gate in late August of 2013, InfoWars has yet to read or report on one word from the FOIA documents.

I advise Infowars about plume gate 28th of Feb


(below) From the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima: “U4 situation is deteriorating, SFP water inventory is lost.”

12 sfp4 water inventory is lost down to the 50

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: “…U4 zirc fire SFP, catastrophe”

30Japan you still here

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 29th…lighting just now being returned to U4 control room. A prolonged station blackout is the worst case scenario at a nuclear power plant.

50 march 29 zeolite unit 4 dose rates


(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: NRC was adamant that SFP 4 had lost all water.

55 march 17 unit 4

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: discussion of the core interacting with concrete…

100  fluffy bunny rabbits and flowers (1) - Copy

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: more discussion of Unit 4 melted fuel and interaction with concrete…

101 fluffy bunny rabbits and unit 4 sublimation

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: “…the assumption on 4, unfortunately, it’s still too close to real.” Also note the mention of no steam coming off Unit 4…this indicates a ‘boil off’ of the water inventory.


(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: “…we included 100-percent fuel destruction on the Unit 4 pool…”


(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: No steam off Unit 4 for days indicates a boil-off of the water inventory.


(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: No steaming off Unit 4 since early in the event…


(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: more discussion of melted fuel interacting with concrete.


(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: “…quite frankly we still think 4 is a melt on the floor in there.”


(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: even more discussion of melted fuel interacting with concrete…


(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 27th, 2011…Unit 4 still without power…

185 march 27 conditions unit 4

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: April 8th, 2011…

unit 4 status april 8th

(below) Everything you ever wanted to know about a zirconium cladding fire but were afraid to ask.

190 zirconium cladding fire described

(below) A search of the internet for ‘zirconium fire’ yields this TEPCO picture.

200 zirc fire 3 n 4

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: an email to Marty Virgillio from March 17th, 2011…Alion’s Chairman and CEO will provide technical assistance with ‘junk shot’ patch of the crack in Unit 4…

2003 junk shot sfp unit 4

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Stopping the Leak at Fukushima.

2004 junk shot sfp unit 4 part 2

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: “Proposal to handle dried Spent fuel pool.docx”. Note that SFP releases will be mostly radioactive gasses such as Xenon and Krypton.

2009 dried spent fuel pool

(below) My apologies for the next 3 pictures…I didn’t have screencapture back when I took these in 2011. This modeling was done by NILU and represents Xenon distribution over North America on May 10th, 2011.

2010 Xe-133 over USA on 5.10.2011

(below) Another NILU model of Xenon (Xe-133), it’s hard to see but the map is of the coast of China and Taiwan. The spent fuel pool at Unit 4 would have produced incredible amounts of Xenon if the fuel assemblies melted.

2015 Xe-133 over Taiwan 5.11.2011

(below) From NILU. Modeling of Xe-133 over Europe from 4.18.11. ZOIKES!!!

2020 Xe-133 over USA 4.18.2011

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: evidence that the fuel storage pond at Unit 4 was on fire and releasing radioactivity directly into the atmosphere.

IAEA informed by Japanese on SFP unit 4 fire and radiation release 15 march 2011