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Your vote doesn’t count and you have no freedom of speech

By Hatrick Penry


Your vote does not count and you have no freedom of speech. It’s really that simple.

Let’s first examine the two-party system. Essentially you have one of two candidates to choose from. They range from bad to worse. In a true democracy you would have a whole range of viable candidates each of whom would have a chance of winning.

I remember when I changed parties from Democrat to Republican because Ron Paul was running for President against Baraq Obama and I wanted to support him. Dr. Paul filled stadiums with supporters like a rock star. Military men and women absolutely loved him. For the first time in a long time I was exited about a Presidential candidate.

Sadly, the Republican party gave the nod to Mitt Romney (who few cared for as a Presidential candidate) who lost in a big way to Baraq Obama. This is called subversion. (It’s not unlike the movie ‘Pulp Fiction’ where Bruce Willis’ character, a boxer, was being paid to take a dive in the 3rd round.) It was after this debacle that I realized I was neither Democrat nor Republican and had a real distaste for both parties and the two-party system.

Let’s talk about the act of voting. Electronic voting machines are easily hacked as many of us know. In the 2020 election there were calls of foul play and in previous elections as well. In the Netflix series ‘Ozark’ a politician who controls the electronic voting machines is referred to as the ‘king maker’. This is how it works when TRILLIONS of dollars are at stake. Do you really trust the ‘deep state’ not to tamper with electronic voting machines that could be hacked by wi-fi from a parking lot outside the voting station?

Also, it seems to me that no one in Congress or the Vice-President nor the President himself ever talks about what is important to me such as:

1) Peak oil and the massive ongoing Geo-Engineering program to melt the polar ice and extract the remaining 15% of hydrocarbons on Earth. (If you want to know more about peak oil please read Michael Ruppert’s book ‘Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil’)

2) Rapid uncontrolled technological growth. For instance: I and many others do not favor drone technology nor robot dogs with M16s attached to them. I’m not a fan of cell phone towers either. I have NO say in what technologies will be brought to bear on the human race because no one I have ever voted for will discuss this issue publicly.

3) Systematically shutting down and decommissioning all nuclear plants. If you know about the backlog of nuclear fuel, Chernobyl, three-mile island and Fukushima you know how nuclear power, ultimately, produces cancers on a massive scale. It is a failed technology and yet no one I vote for ever speaks to this problem except to repeat the talking point that ‘nuclear power is a clean and emission free form of energy production and is part of a complete energy package’. No emissions? What about the spent fuel which is radioactive for thousands of years and the fact we have no place to store it?

4) We now know that COVID was a man made virus that was released intentionally for profit and to conceal Fukushima cancer deaths under the rubric of co-morbidity. If you were dying of cancer and caught COVID or received a false positive test and you died your death was marked as a death by COVID, not cancer. This is how the wave of cancers form Fukushima fallout has been hidden from public view. If you examine the cancers from Chernobyl you will find they were peaking about 10 years out from the disaster. Data from Belarus proves this. The lab made virus was released in this time period: where cancers from Fukushima would be most prolific. No one I vote for will discuss Fukushima nor the COVID connection.

To be sure there are myriad subjects and issues that are never talked about by higher level politicians. It’s as if they have a ‘hands-off’ list of subjects to avoid at all costs. Have you seen the video of the reporter asking Maxine Waters about Geo-Engineering? Maxine almost broke into a run to get away. It’s not just Mrs. Waters, it’s all of Congress and the President as well.

Let’s talk about Freedom of Speech:

What many of you are learning about Twitter right now some of us have known about for a long time. The censorship of Americans and the topics they are concerned about is nothing new. I have been censored on the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima for over 10 years. I’ve been blocked, unsubscribed, had posts deleted, been shadow banned and trolled by countless Federal Agents or ‘informants’ of the FBI. One FBI ‘informant’ even tried to entrap me over the phone.

I’ve been censored on FaceBook, YouTube and Twitter since 2011. These are the platforms where I should be able to communicate to my fellow Americans and yet they were a ‘honey-trap’: suckering me into creating an account only to be subjected to censorship of my articles, posts and videos.

I noticed during COVID the bots and fake user accounts came out in force, just as they did after 911, Fukushima and other events. These accounts are used to perform perception management on the American public and sway our thoughts and opinions by means most deceptive.

Is it free speech when I am being censored, not because of political affiliation but because of government documents I am legally posting online?

Is it free speech to employ an army of trolls and bots to sway public opinion?

Che Guevara once said (I am paraphrasing) that there could be no revolution until the people realized their vote doesn’t count and that voting is useless. To be clear: I do not condone nor promote violence because violence has had no positive out outcome in all of human history. If violence worked to change things for the better, we would already be living in utopia.

My point being that we are in a CRISIS situation and most people either don’t know it or don’t care to do anything about it. Do they not realize we are nearing the point of no return?

The facts:  

a) we have no confidence in government

b) our free speech has been taken from us

c) the two-party system has been corrupted and subverted to a point where voting does not create positive change for the lower classes.

Are these facts not enough to stir the American public to take action of some sort? Shouldn’t there be arrests en masse of those who we know are behind all this? What kind of future will our children face if we do nothing?

Finally I would like to say that I no longer vote. My voter registration has expired and I have ignored repeated attempts by the government to have me re-register and vote again. I feel as if I am a non-factor…a non-person of sorts. I have no voice in who represents me and I have no freedom of speech to talk to people about subjects that are important to me.

It has been said that voting is the new ‘opiate of the masses’. I will add to this that freedom of speech thought to exist on FaceBook, YouTube, Twitter is the new ‘hallucinogen of the masses’.

Maybe it’s time for all of us to sober up.


Lowdown and Dirty: 10 Ways the Establishment Marginalizes our Freedom of Speech

Lowdown and Dirty: 10 Ways the Establishment Marginalizes our Freedom of Speech

By Hatrick ‘Hattie’ Penry

August 31st, 2015


Henry Kissinger once said: “Control the oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.”

But I say: “Control the oil and you control the nation, control food and you control people, control the information and you control the people’s perception of reality.”

Here’s 10 lowdown and dirty ways the establishment marginalizes our freedom of speech, controls the flow of information and ultimately, the public’s perception of what is real and what is important.


1) Search terms on Internet are stacked against the little guy. When you search the term ‘Fukushima Cover Up’ there is a reason Alex Jones and NaturalNews are at the top of the list and your blog is 10,000 pages down at the bottom.

2) YouTube subscriber counters can be inflated in favor of establishment controlled opposition channels or subscribers booted from legitimate channels. My wife has been booted from my YouTube channel at least twice and I can’t seem to break 4k subscribers.

3) Grooming of threads under videos/articles by countless ‘perception management specialists’.


4) A video/article can be made to ‘go viral’ by ‘boosting’ it’s number of views.

5) A video/article can be made to appear ‘stale’ by keeping view count artificially low.

6) Releasing a fake video/article that can easily be debunked in order to discourage further belief/investigation. For example: when investigators began to unearth evidence that ISIS was somehow connected with the CIA, intentionally photo-shopped pictures surfaced on the net showing an ISIS fighter in the back of a truck with a U.S. Army tattoo on his arm.

This was subsequently debunked in as public a way as possible by making popular on FaceBook/Snopes/internet. The idea is to ‘muddy the waters of information’. Some will think that they are being tricked into thinking ISIS is a CIA creation. Some will tire of sifting through information and disinformation and they will cease future investigation altogether.

This tactic is used with frequency: post Fukushima a map surfaced on the Internet purporting to be varying levels of radiation in the Pacific Ocean. It was in fact data showing the wave height from the tsunami across the Pacific. The map was sold to the public by countless perception management specialists as a map of Fukushima radiation. When the hook was firmly set, the map was debunked in as public a way as possible (FaceBook,Snopes,YouTube/blogs etc). When the operation was over, the waters of information were muddy enough to discourage the casual investigator from looking further.  (Editors note: it is my belief that Snopes is under establishment control.)

7) Flooding of the information arena with superficial and diversionary reports by controlled opposition agents.


8) Targeting of legitimate investigative journalists for character assassination, intimidation, sabotage or discrediting by FBI/CIA/military/corporate operatives.

9) Actual assassination, although this is rarely an overt act. Most are ‘suicided’ or killed in such a way as to make the death appear natural or as if an accident.

10) Hacking/sabotage of the computers of legitimate investigative journalists.

Additional Note: establishment operatives must feign attacks upon themselves or their organization in order to appear like legitimate investigative journalists who really are under attack. This is part of their wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing strategy: an effort to blend in with the civilian population.


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