Your vote doesn’t count and you have no freedom of speech

By Hatrick Penry


Your vote does not count and you have no freedom of speech. It’s really that simple.

Let’s first examine the two-party system. Essentially you have one of two candidates to choose from. They range from bad to worse. In a true democracy you would have a whole range of viable candidates each of whom would have a chance of winning.

I remember when I changed parties from Democrat to Republican because Ron Paul was running for President against Baraq Obama and I wanted to support him. Dr. Paul filled stadiums with supporters like a rock star. Military men and women absolutely loved him. For the first time in a long time I was exited about a Presidential candidate.

Sadly, the Republican party gave the nod to Mitt Romney (who few cared for as a Presidential candidate) who lost in a big way to Baraq Obama. This is called subversion. (It’s not unlike the movie ‘Pulp Fiction’ where Bruce Willis’ character, a boxer, was being paid to take a dive in the 3rd round.) It was after this debacle that I realized I was neither Democrat nor Republican and had a real distaste for both parties and the two-party system.

Let’s talk about the act of voting. Electronic voting machines are easily hacked as many of us know. In the 2020 election there were calls of foul play and in previous elections as well. In the Netflix series ‘Ozark’ a politician who controls the electronic voting machines is referred to as the ‘king maker’. This is how it works when TRILLIONS of dollars are at stake. Do you really trust the ‘deep state’ not to tamper with electronic voting machines that could be hacked by wi-fi from a parking lot outside the voting station?

Also, it seems to me that no one in Congress or the Vice-President nor the President himself ever talks about what is important to me such as:

1) Peak oil and the massive ongoing Geo-Engineering program to melt the polar ice and extract the remaining 15% of hydrocarbons on Earth. (If you want to know more about peak oil please read Michael Ruppert’s book ‘Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil’)

2) Rapid uncontrolled technological growth. For instance: I and many others do not favor drone technology nor robot dogs with M16s attached to them. I’m not a fan of cell phone towers either. I have NO say in what technologies will be brought to bear on the human race because no one I have ever voted for will discuss this issue publicly.

3) Systematically shutting down and decommissioning all nuclear plants. If you know about the backlog of nuclear fuel, Chernobyl, three-mile island and Fukushima you know how nuclear power, ultimately, produces cancers on a massive scale. It is a failed technology and yet no one I vote for ever speaks to this problem except to repeat the talking point that ‘nuclear power is a clean and emission free form of energy production and is part of a complete energy package’. No emissions? What about the spent fuel which is radioactive for thousands of years and the fact we have no place to store it?

4) We now know that COVID was a man made virus that was released intentionally for profit and to conceal Fukushima cancer deaths under the rubric of co-morbidity. If you were dying of cancer and caught COVID or received a false positive test and you died your death was marked as a death by COVID, not cancer. This is how the wave of cancers form Fukushima fallout has been hidden from public view. If you examine the cancers from Chernobyl you will find they were peaking about 10 years out from the disaster. Data from Belarus proves this. The lab made virus was released in this time period: where cancers from Fukushima would be most prolific. No one I vote for will discuss Fukushima nor the COVID connection.

To be sure there are myriad subjects and issues that are never talked about by higher level politicians. It’s as if they have a ‘hands-off’ list of subjects to avoid at all costs. Have you seen the video of the reporter asking Maxine Waters about Geo-Engineering? Maxine almost broke into a run to get away. It’s not just Mrs. Waters, it’s all of Congress and the President as well.

Let’s talk about Freedom of Speech:

What many of you are learning about Twitter right now some of us have known about for a long time. The censorship of Americans and the topics they are concerned about is nothing new. I have been censored on the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima for over 10 years. I’ve been blocked, unsubscribed, had posts deleted, been shadow banned and trolled by countless Federal Agents or ‘informants’ of the FBI. One FBI ‘informant’ even tried to entrap me over the phone.

I’ve been censored on FaceBook, YouTube and Twitter since 2011. These are the platforms where I should be able to communicate to my fellow Americans and yet they were a ‘honey-trap’: suckering me into creating an account only to be subjected to censorship of my articles, posts and videos.

I noticed during COVID the bots and fake user accounts came out in force, just as they did after 911, Fukushima and other events. These accounts are used to perform perception management on the American public and sway our thoughts and opinions by means most deceptive.

Is it free speech when I am being censored, not because of political affiliation but because of government documents I am legally posting online?

Is it free speech to employ an army of trolls and bots to sway public opinion?

Che Guevara once said (I am paraphrasing) that there could be no revolution until the people realized their vote doesn’t count and that voting is useless. To be clear: I do not condone nor promote violence because violence has had no positive out outcome in all of human history. If violence worked to change things for the better, we would already be living in utopia.

My point being that we are in a CRISIS situation and most people either don’t know it or don’t care to do anything about it. Do they not realize we are nearing the point of no return?

The facts:  

a) we have no confidence in government

b) our free speech has been taken from us

c) the two-party system has been corrupted and subverted to a point where voting does not create positive change for the lower classes.

Are these facts not enough to stir the American public to take action of some sort? Shouldn’t there be arrests en masse of those who we know are behind all this? What kind of future will our children face if we do nothing?

Finally I would like to say that I no longer vote. My voter registration has expired and I have ignored repeated attempts by the government to have me re-register and vote again. I feel as if I am a non-factor…a non-person of sorts. I have no voice in who represents me and I have no freedom of speech to talk to people about subjects that are important to me.

It has been said that voting is the new ‘opiate of the masses’. I will add to this that freedom of speech thought to exist on FaceBook, YouTube, Twitter is the new ‘hallucinogen of the masses’.

Maybe it’s time for all of us to sober up.


Elon Musk: Gatekeeper of the Twitter files

By Hatrick Penry


I find it ironic and a bit amusing that Elon Musk is being sold to us as the savior of free speech while simultaneously meting out the ‘Twitter files’ a little at a time and releasing only what he thinks we need to see.

Isn’t that the very definition of ‘gate keeping’?

I’ve done my time as a forensic document researcher. I’ve pored over thousands of pages of the Nuclear Regulatory Commisions’s publicly available Freedom of Information files pertaining to Fukushima. I understand redaction. I understand that military secrets, technological secrets, personal information and  top secret information may need to be withheld.

In the case of the Twitter files I do not understand why all the files are not entered into a publicly available database for all to see. Personal addresses and phone numbers can easily be redacted and the public can read for themselves the information and decide for themselves what really happened. Why is this not being done?

It seems to me this whole operation is bent on:

a: convincing the folks that left Twitter due to censorship that the problem is being fixed and that it is safe to return.

b: rebuilding confidence in the 2024 election so that Americans will continue to vote and believe that the system is working.

c: continuation of division between the Republican and Democrat parties.

When I watch FOX News or CNN I can see that these platforms are simply tools of the establishment that are utilized to keep us fighting amongst ourselves while the cancers from Fukushima rage on. I have always said that the establishment will allow us to argue/debate the smaller issues, but the big ones like Fukushima cancers or the Geo-engineering program underway due to dwindling oil reserves on Earth are being suppressed with great success.

I want to be clear: the censorship on Twitter was not only of conservative voices in order to sway the outcome of an election, but of specific INFORMATION itself such as the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima or anything about Climate Change being the cover story for Peak Oil and the subsequent Geo-engineering program to melt the polar caps and secure more oil etc. etc.

(Below: A sample of what 10 years of censorship and suppression has kept hidden from the public’s view: NRC employees tweak the modeling so that they don’t have to worry about having Navy ships moved out of the path of the plumes and revealing to the world just how severe the meltdowns were. Sailors were exposed and did suffer radiation sickness and cancers.)

FOX News is spinning the story to look like it was solely and effort to suppress Conservatives and win an election. This is only partially true. It is INFORMATION that is being censored along with our ability to speak freely.

We are in the greatest crisis of our time: we cannot speak freely amongst ourselves and our elections are being systematically subverted.

Are Americans so gullible they will believe that a billionaire would care about their suffering and their hardships? If Elon Musk really cared about people would he horde so much wealth and consume the amount of our resources that he does?

Do you remember Jesus telling the man all he had to do left to enter the Kingdom of God was sell off his worldly goods and give it all to the poor? I seem to remember the man didn’t like what Jesus had to say. Nor do they like to hear about the rich man, the camel and the eye of a needle.

My firm belief is that once a person reaches a certain level of wealth, power and influence they have to join the ‘gang’. An offer is made that they cannot refuse. From then on they take orders from the so-called ‘deep state’ and if they serve their masters well their plane will not fall out of the sky and they will not commit suicide. Those that don’t accept the deal don’t last.

To this day censorship of the truth about the Fukushima plumes and fallout, as found in the NRC’s publicly available documents, continues with no end in sight.

Will people will be suckered back onto Twitter and fooled into thinking our elections are fair and honest again?

Did you really expect an elite billionaire to tell us the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth and risk his life in so doing?

Questions to ponder.


Elon Musk’s Twitter Continues to Censor Fukushima Documents

By Hatrick Penry


When I heard the news about Elon Musk purchasing Twitter and that he was going to restore free speech to America I was more than a little skeptical. One thing I have learned is that if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

I personally have been censored since 2012 when I published my book that revealed FOIA documentation of a multi-agency cover-up of the truth about the severity of the Fukushima disaster and the fallout that hit North America.

On YouTube I could never gain more than 2,000 subscribers. People would ask me why I had unsubscribed them and I would tell them I didn’t. My wife was unsubscribed several times. That’s when I knew it was by design and not a glitch in the program.  

On FaceBook I never could gain traction with the NRC’s FOIA documentation, my articles or my free e-book on the cover-up. No one was seeing what I posted. Unless they visited my home page they would never see the information.

Twitter was no different. If you did not come directly to my home page you could never see what I was posting. I began to wonder if my articles and my book had somehow been tagged and was identifiable on any of the deep state’s controlled ‘free speech’ platforms and promptly censored from public view.

To be clear: what is being censored here is the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Freedom of Information Act public documents that prove an orchestrated cover-up of the radioactive plumes and fallout from the Fukushima meltdowns. Multiple agencies knew how bad it really was and that radioactive fallout was bound for North America (and indeed the entire northern hemisphere) but did their best to hide this from the American public.

We were told by then President Obama that harmful levels of radiation would not reach the United States. Multiple agencies knew this was not true as evidenced in these bombshell documents. I urge you to read my abstract linked below and my FREE e-book also linked below. Then you will truly know why this story has been censored for more than 10 years.

(Below: The stats from my WordPress blog show the effects of censorship over time. Number of visits declined from 28,341 in the year 2013 down to just 758 in 2021. How do you get people to read your articles if they can’t see your posts or tweets?)

Now back to Twitter:

We are told that our great savior Elon Musk has bought Twitter with one sole purpose in mind: restoring free speech to Americans.

Sadly, at least in my time as a writer, we have never had free speech, rather we have experienced the ILLUSION of free speech. I’ve written multiple articles about how the public’s perceptions are managed with deception, trickery, lies and disinformation. Some of you are just now learning about the manipulation of the information the public is allowed to see.

And so I thought I would try activating my Twitter account one more time to test the waters so-to-speak. The NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima have always been an excellent tool for uncovering censorship, controlled opposition shills and the like. The establishment absolutely does not want the public to learn about how bad the radioactive fallout from Fukushima was or that they knew how bad it was but lied to us: so no one working for the establishment, no media outlet controlled by the establishment will touch upon it. It is a subject that is on their ‘hands-off’ list of things to NOT talk about.

So I reactivated my Twitter account and began posting my abstract and free e-book and guess what? CRICKETS. NOTHING BUT THE SOUND OF CRICKETS.

When no one sees or reacts to my repeated posts I know that I am still being censored or ‘shadow banned’ or whatever you want to call it: I feel as if I have no voice. I have not had free speech in over 10 years and I still do not have free speech.

Now my thoughts about this whole operation of Elon’s is that he is a Deep State player like anyone above a certain level is. His job is to try to fool people into

a: thinking that Twitter is being overhauled and is now a free speech platform and

b: returning to Twitter (where the perception management of the public continues)

I’m guessing that between FaceBook, YouTube and Twitter a lot of people have left because of fake user accounts, bots, censorship and all the trolling by the ‘perception management specialists’. (I know that’s why I left.)

It seems to me the establishment wants you on these platforms because it’s so easy to control the information there. Searching Twitter, YouTube or FaceBook for information and news is like turning on the TV for news. Some things you just won’t ever hear about because it’s all being controlled. And it’s been that way for a long time now.


Plume-Gate Abstract linked here.

Free E-Book on Fukushima cover-up linked here.

UK study: vaccinated at higher risk of infection, death

By Hatrick Penry


A September 3rd, 2021 study from the United Kingdom titled ‘SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England: Technical Briefing 22’ reveals a higher instance of infection and death from COVID for those who have been vaccinated with 1 or more doses than those who were unvaccinated.

The 32 page report is produced by Public Health England which is an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care in England. Interestingly enough PHE is slated for closure in September, 2021 according to Wikipedia.

The data of particular interest can be found on pages 21 and 22 of the report in the form of a table denoting ‘Attendance to emergency care and deaths of sequenced and genotyped Delta cases in England by vaccination status
(1 February 2021 to 29 August 2021)

(Below: UK Delta variant infections from 2/1/21 to 8/29/21)

There are myriad statistics that can be derived from this study but let’s have a look at the fundamentals: let us compare the numbers of infected who received one or more doses vs. the numbers of infected who received no dose at all. When we do this we must count the three columns that indicate 1 or more doses (27,993+80,877+113,823=222,693) and compare and contrast with the numbers of infected who did not receive a dose (219,716). The result is obvious: more people were infected by COVID who had one or more doses of the vaccine. In fact 2,977 more people were infected after having 1 or more doses than those who remained unvaccinated.

“You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations” – President Joe Biden

Now let’s have a look at the numbers of those who died as a result of COVID who had one or more doses of vaccine vs. those who died of COVID who were unvaccinated:

(Below: UK Delta variant fatalities from 2/1/21 to 8/29/21 (a continuation of the table above found on page 22 of the study))

Following the method utilized above in our examination of infections, we want to compare the number of fatalities of those who received one or more doses of vaccine vs. the number of fatalities among the unvaccinated. To do this we add the 3 columns of numbers of those who received one or more doses and died (16+126+1,091=1233) and compare to the number of the unvaccinated who died (536). What we see is staggering: 697 more people died from COVID within that time period who had received one or more doses of vaccine than those who were unvaccinated.

From a statistical standpoint, by the numbers, it appears that the COVID-19 vaccines do more harm than good. And this report begs these questions:

  1. Are U.S. authorities providing false data for their claims of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’? If not then why the difference between this study and what our government and the ‘experts’ are telling us?
  2. Are the vaccines causing the variants?
  3. Had we relied on our natural immune systems and herd immunity would there be so many dangerous variants or variants at all?
  4. Had we relied on our natural immune systems how many less infections would there have been? How many less deaths?
  5. How could the clinical vaccine trials have produced data that is in such contradiction to this study?


“This is a simple, basic proposition: If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in an ICU unit, and you’re not going to die” – President Joe Biden  

One BIG reason the U.S. lacks enough ICU beds for COVID patients

By Hatrick Penry


Dear reader;

I keep hearing on the news how ICU beds at American hospitals are overflowing with unvaccinated COVID patients and that it is entirely the fault of the unvaccinated.

When I hear this I hearken back to President Eisenhower’s farewell address where he warned about the military industrial complex and how much we were spending on defense and to wage foreign wars. President Eisenhower pointed out that each battleship we built cost the equivalent of a new hospital. He warned about the military industrial complex, how big it had grown and how much treasure it consumed each year. Treasure that could not be spent here at home on things such as hospitals or schools because it was being allocated to the military industrial complex.

This was Eisenhower’s point: money spent building battleships is money that cannot be spent on building hospitals.

(Below: the USS Zumwalt (construction began in 2009) was built at a cost of around $4 billion dollars per ship. The Iowa class battleship (built from 1940-44) cost approximately $100 million dollars per ship)

Now fast forward to the year 2021. The Afghanistan war (an illegal war) of 20 years has come to an end. President Biden has publicly stated that U.S. taxpayers spent over 2 trillion dollars to finance the war. A quick check on the internet reveals that the cost of a hospital to be built (in the year 2021) ranges from 60 million to 187.5 million.

Let’s go on the high side and say it costs $200 million to build a hospital at current market rates. Now divide that into the $2 trillion spent in Afghanistan and we end up with the figure of 10,000.

That is 10,000 hospitals that could have been built instead of waging an illegal war in a foreign land; something our founding fathers warned us about.

“America… goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.” -John Adams

But let’s lowball these numbers and say we could have built 5,000 hospitals instead of financing a failure of a 20 year war overseas. Do you think 5,000 hospitals could have eased our current ICU bed overload?

How sleazy and unfair it is to blame the unvaccinated for our current hospital crisis. Is it not our leaders who decided to spend money on endless foreign wars instead of building hospitals (and schools, roads and bridges for that matter) here at home? Is it not a failure of government when a choice is made between building engines of war instead of hospitals of healing?

Do Americans have any fault in our current hospital crisis? Did we stand by and let corrupt politicians spend out tax money on bombs and guns instead of doctors or teachers?

It’s obvious to me that, like the Afghanistan war, our corrupt Federal government has also been a complete failure for many, many years. The problem is systemic. It’s not something we can vote our way out of. Something needs to change and that change has to first manifest in the mentality of the American public. We need to not just talk about becoming a kinder, gentler nation but actually take action to show we have had a change of heart and that we really are a more compassionate people.

In summation: it is grossly unfair to blame unvaccinated Americans for our lack of ICU beds in our nation’s hospitals when our government squandered trillions of taxpayer dollars on failed foreign wars. Trillions that could have easily been spent on hospitals, housing and mental health care for our homeless, schools and teacher salaries, rebuilding infrastructure such as bridges and roads, feeding hungry Americans etc.

It seems to me the question that we face is a simple one: do we want to build more battleships or more hospitals?


The Afghanistan Heroin-Fentanyl-Depopulation Agenda Explained

By Hatrick Penry


Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Invade Afghanistan, world’s leading grower of poppies and producer of heroin, over false flag event (9/11).

Step 2: Allow domestic ‘pill mills’ to circulate painkillers, like Oxycontin, freely with little restriction.

Step 3: Have CIA begin to import black tar heroin from Afghanistan onto the streets of America.

Step 4: After the domestic ‘pill mills’ cause enough people to be addicted to painkillers, begin to crack down on the ‘pill mills’ and doctors that prescribe too many pills too freely.

Step 5: After cracking down on the over-prescription of painkillers, begin to flood black market with the alternative: even more cheap heroin from Afghanistan.

Step 6: Invest taxpayer dollars on NARCAM, the life saving antidote to heroin overdose. The taxpayer can be billed for the cost of the NARCAM which will allow the addict to survive the overdose and be back to using heroin (and spending money) as soon as possible.

Step 7: Invest in rehab centers for those wealthy enough to afford them. Invest in NARCAM producers. Continue to flood streets with black tar heroin and continue shutting down ‘pill mills’ and doctors who over-prescribe.

Step 8: Once enough money has been made it becomes time for the depopulation agenda. Begin to increase level of Fentanyl that is being smuggled by CIA from China.

Step 9: Make deal to turn over poppy production in Afghanistan to China, while an open southern border allows for a simultaneous increase in the smuggling of the killer drug Fentanyl.

Step 10: With Afghanistan black tar heroin becoming less available and more expensive, make the substitute of Fentanyl an easily available, cheap alternative.

Step 11: Count the fatalities.

SARS-cov-2 is not a novel virus: 73 patents before 2009

Dear reader;

In the video linked below you will find Dr. David Martin exposing the trail of corona virus related patents since 2009 and subsequent RICO act violations of conspiracy, racketeering and collusion.

There are over 4,000 patents relating to corona virus and 73 are of critical importance to understanding who is behind the COVID plandemic. To follow the money, you have to follow the patents.

Please watch this video before it is removed from YouTube and in the meantime I am working hard to transcribe all the important points Dr. Martin makes during his 60 minute presentation. A future article will include relevant information in written form.

Please circulate this video and information far and wide.

All credit goes to Dr. David Martin. His work speaks for itself.


David E. Martin testifies at the German Corona Inquiry Committee July 9th, 2021

Other important information:

The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier written by Dr. David Martin

COVID-19: New Information, Questions and Conclusions

By Hatrick Penry


In a previous article I asked if anyone could prove COVID was real in the form of an isolate/purification and/or by way of providing a reliable sequence to the genome. This question and challenge were prompted by:

a) The RT-PCR test recall that has not been covered in the mainstream news.

b) The fact that the CDC admits they cannot test specifically for a variant unless by Whole Genome Sequencing.

c) Recent FOIA returns from the CDC that indicated no records exist that prove isolation/purification of the virus.

d) A man from Alberta, Canada won a court case where health officials were unable to prove the existence of the COVID virus.

e) There has been no mention of a seasonal flu for 18+ months.

A trusted source that works in a hospital in Central Florida has informed me that beds really are filling with sick patients suffering from flu-like symptoms. The respiratory tract seems to be particularly affected. In light of this new information I have had to do some thinking. Here are some new conclusions and questions I have arrived at:

1) The flu-like symptoms are real and severe enough to send people to the hospital in large numbers. The pandemic is not a hoax. This second surge appears real.

2) Is this sickness what authorities are calling COVID? Could it be a virulent seasonal flu? Could ten years of exposure to Fukushima fallout be exacerbating this flu?

3) We know the PCR test was inaccurate and has been recalled. Shouldn’t data related to the PCR test be thrown out? How do we know how many people really died from COVID if this test was inaccurate?

4) We know that the CDC says it can sequence the COVID genome and tell if it is COVID or a variant. According to CDC this is done for ‘surveillance purposes only’. Why can’t or why won’t the CDC provide the genetic sequence?

5) A court case in Canada was won because health officials could not produce an ‘isolate’ of COVID or proof COVID is real. Is it that they couldn’t or is it that they wouldn’t provide the proof?

6) The CDC has responded to FOIA requests and been unable or unwilling to provide evidence of isolation or purification of the COVID virus. Why?

7) Does this mean a virus named COVID does not exist? Does this mean there is no variant or variants?

8) Could the COVID virus be real and for some reason the isolated virus and the genetic sequencing are being kept hidden? i.e. not made available for public scrutiny.

9) If COVID is real and the isolation and genetic sequencing are being kept secret, why? Would it be because it could be proven, beyond any doubt that COVID was made in a lab? Would it be possible with the genetic sequence to identify specifically which lab it came from? Could COVID have come from a lab other than the Wuhan lab?

10) After finding evidence that authorities have conducted multiple pandemic ‘table-top’ exercises over the years (scenarios with names like Atlantic Storm, Dark Winter, Clade X, SPARS pandemic, Event 201 and Crimson Contagion to name a few) there are several questions that need be answered:  

a) How can it be that after 20 years of drills/table top scenarios for viral pandemics that are spread via airborne particles there IS NO RELIABLE DATA OR STUDY on face masks and no science to prove if they work or not? Are the authorities really this incompetent or was this by design?

b) How is it possible that after so much preparation, rehearsal, research and study over the years that no one thought to strategically place warehouses throughout the U.S. and fill them with PPE such as face masks, face shields, bio-suits, ventilators etc? Are the authorities realty this incompetent or was this by design?

c) Considering these pandemic scenarios covered the economic effect of such an outbreak and even included actors from the World Economic Forum and many other financial specialists how could it be that no one thought to beef-up unemployment computers to handle the obvious extra load when stores and businesses began to close and people found themselves out of work? Florida and other states experienced delay in sending out unemployment checks because over-loaded computers crashed. Are the authorities really this incompetent or was this by design?

I want to finish by saying that I find the whole COVID pandemic to have been perfectly timed and of great convenience to the establishment and the globalists. It’s not just because of the peak oil situation, not just because we are ten years out from Fukushima and cancers and sickness should be beginning to peak and thus fatalities from this could be hidden behind COVID, but if you will kindly hearken back to Jeffery Epstein’s arrest, him being sent to prison and promptly being ‘suicided’ and then the pandemic conveniently coming out of nowhere. The result: everyone has forgotten about child sex trafficking by wealthy elite, politicians, high level athletes, movie stars and entertainers who visited Mr. Epstein’s infamous island and of which many of their names appear on flight logs.

COVID, in the form of a lab-made virus, could have been the trump card held all along. In the event the law began to close in on their child sex trafficking operations this card could be played and investigations stymied or shut down altogether.

Something to think about.


Relevant Articles:

Pandemic Simulations and Scenarios: 20 Reasons Why the U.S. Government Should Have Been Better Prepared for COVID-19

There is no COVID-19 virus…prove me wrong

18 months of COVID and still no public discussion of the need to close Level 4 Bio-labs

Unanswered Questions regarding COVID, PCR tests and Fatalities

Are deaths from Fukushima fallout being labeled as COVID?

18 months of COVID and still no public discussion of the need to close Level 4 Bio-labs

By Hatrick Penry


The entire planet has been suffering through the COVID pandemic for over 18 months now and despite evidence that the virus was made in a Level 4 Bio-Lab and escaped either by accident or released intentionally, there has been absolutely NO discussion by the Government or by the public of the obvious need to end Gain-of-Function research and to close the doors of the Labs doing this type work.

We’ve seen plenty of safety measures put forth since the start of the pandemic: social distancing, wearing masks, washing hands, avoiding crowds, sheltering in place, even the promotion of experimental ‘gene treatment’. But wouldn’t the obvious safety measure be found in the permanent closing of any and all labs that do Gain-of-Function research?

(below: Senator Rand Paul has been the only one of authority to question Dr. Anthony Fauci over taxpayer funded Gain of Function research at the Wuhan Lab)

Shouldn’t pressure be put on global authorities to shut down this type of research even if there was a miniscule chance COVID somehow escaped from one of these labs? If you believe the cover story circulating in the news then you are led to believe that COVID-19 either accidentally escaped or was intentionally released from the Level 4 Wuhan lab in China. China is not the only place on Earth this type of research is being done. Here in the U.S. private Corporations, Universities and the Pentagon have similar programs that modify pathogens in an effort to alter their forms and functions.

Are we going to sit back and do nothing and wait for COVID-30 to be released or escape by accident? Have we learned nothing from this pandemic? Wouldn’t the FIRST safety measure be to close forever the facilities that create viruses like COVID-19?

I understand why the wealthy elite, the U.S. Government and private Corporations have no interest in taking action on ending GOF research. After all they have made trillions of dollars on the COVID-19 pandemic….they are likely hoping and praying for a COVID-30 to keep the profits flowing.

(below: from a March 31st, 2021 CBS article by Aimee Picchi titled ‘Billionaires got 54% richer during pandemic, sparking calls for “wealth tax”.)

But I fail to understand why Americans don’t unify on the obvious way to prevent the possibility of a future pandemic by making the closure of Level 4 labs and GOF research a priority. For 18 months I’ve listened to people gripe and complain about COVID, masks, vaccines, our failing economy, the danger to children and the elderly, the governments poor handling of the pandemic and lot’s more. But if we were really sick and tired of these things wouldn’t we all take the logical, obvious steps needed to end the very ‘research’ that led us to the situation we now find ourselves in?

It is important to take a moment and understand that our government, the corporations, the news media, social media, big tech, the military and the wealthy elite have perfected the control of information. When you control the information you control what the topic of conversation is going to be. Isn’t it obvious that discussion of ending Gain of Function research is completely off the table?

After the Fukushima disaster I watched a similar scenario play out: control of information was key to fooling Americans into thinking that the meltdowns were not as bad as Chernobyl and thus we had nothing to worry about. Because of this deception there was no public discussion as to the obvious safety measure to take to prevent another nuclear catastrophe: the systematic shutting down and decommissioning of all nuclear plants here at home and around the world. To this day most people don’t have a clue how dangerous nuclear power is or how bad the Fukushima meltdowns were (and still are 10+ years later).

It is in this vein that we are kept from raising the issue of ending GOF research forever. We are allowed to argue over masks and vaccines but any attempt to suggest the logical precaution of closing Level 4 labs is being swamped by the cacophony of sub-issues that, while they may be important, are not going to prevent a future lab release of another modified virus.

I end this article by suggesting to you that this pandemic is but the first in a series of pandemics that will produce the missing profits from the now defunct ‘war on terror’ which was really a cover-story to invade countries under false pretense and rob them of precious resources such as oil and lithium. If you study ‘peak oil’ you know it is a finite resource and dwindling fast as huge populations on earth demand more of it. Thus the push for renewable energy and electric cars (another boondoggle). The profits made by the military industrial complex and the petrochemical complex are going to be replaced by future planned releases of weaponized pathogens. It’s really that simple.

The obvious question remains in regards to the closure of Level 4 Bio-Labs and the end of Gain of Function research: are we the people even going to talk about it?

‘COVID Bots’ promoting fear, lies and division on Twitter…who is behind this?

By Hatrick Penry


There has been a surge of fake user accounts on Twitter promoting lies and ratcheting up the fear about the COVID virus. The goal is to encourage (by guilt, shame, fear or otherwise) people to get ‘vaccinated’.

Who is behind this orchestrated psychological operation? If COVID-19 is as the establishment says it is and the ‘vaccines’ are safe and effective, why the need to perform such trickery on the public? Is there any effort by Twitter to remove these accounts? Is this operation one that violates any state or federal law?

I’m not new to the game of trolling. I’ve written several articles over the years about the fake ‘sock puppet’ accounts on YouTube that stalk the threads of 9/11, Sandy Hook, Fukushima, and other videos doing their best to convince us the official narrative is the correct one.

Similar bogus accounts exist on FaceBook and other social media platforms as well. It is an epidemic of deception. It is full-spectrum. It is ongoing with no end in sight. And it works.

What can we do about it? At this time the only countermeasure I can think of is to copy/screen cap the evidence, compile it, and circulate it far and wide. With that in mind, I intend to add further evidence to this article as I find it. Also, feel free to use any evidence I have collected here…working together we can expose this psy-op for what it is.

“It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled.” -Mark Twain

(Below: Bots stoking discord and division)