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Elon Musk’s Twitter Continues to Censor Fukushima Documents

By Hatrick Penry


When I heard the news about Elon Musk purchasing Twitter and that he was going to restore free speech to America I was more than a little skeptical. One thing I have learned is that if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

I personally have been censored since 2012 when I published my book that revealed FOIA documentation of a multi-agency cover-up of the truth about the severity of the Fukushima disaster and the fallout that hit North America.

On YouTube I could never gain more than 2,000 subscribers. People would ask me why I had unsubscribed them and I would tell them I didn’t. My wife was unsubscribed several times. That’s when I knew it was by design and not a glitch in the program.  

On FaceBook I never could gain traction with the NRC’s FOIA documentation, my articles or my free e-book on the cover-up. No one was seeing what I posted. Unless they visited my home page they would never see the information.

Twitter was no different. If you did not come directly to my home page you could never see what I was posting. I began to wonder if my articles and my book had somehow been tagged and was identifiable on any of the deep state’s controlled ‘free speech’ platforms and promptly censored from public view.

To be clear: what is being censored here is the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Freedom of Information Act public documents that prove an orchestrated cover-up of the radioactive plumes and fallout from the Fukushima meltdowns. Multiple agencies knew how bad it really was and that radioactive fallout was bound for North America (and indeed the entire northern hemisphere) but did their best to hide this from the American public.

We were told by then President Obama that harmful levels of radiation would not reach the United States. Multiple agencies knew this was not true as evidenced in these bombshell documents. I urge you to read my abstract linked below and my FREE e-book also linked below. Then you will truly know why this story has been censored for more than 10 years.

(Below: The stats from my WordPress blog show the effects of censorship over time. Number of visits declined from 28,341 in the year 2013 down to just 758 in 2021. How do you get people to read your articles if they can’t see your posts or tweets?)

Now back to Twitter:

We are told that our great savior Elon Musk has bought Twitter with one sole purpose in mind: restoring free speech to Americans.

Sadly, at least in my time as a writer, we have never had free speech, rather we have experienced the ILLUSION of free speech. I’ve written multiple articles about how the public’s perceptions are managed with deception, trickery, lies and disinformation. Some of you are just now learning about the manipulation of the information the public is allowed to see.

And so I thought I would try activating my Twitter account one more time to test the waters so-to-speak. The NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima have always been an excellent tool for uncovering censorship, controlled opposition shills and the like. The establishment absolutely does not want the public to learn about how bad the radioactive fallout from Fukushima was or that they knew how bad it was but lied to us: so no one working for the establishment, no media outlet controlled by the establishment will touch upon it. It is a subject that is on their ‘hands-off’ list of things to NOT talk about.

So I reactivated my Twitter account and began posting my abstract and free e-book and guess what? CRICKETS. NOTHING BUT THE SOUND OF CRICKETS.

When no one sees or reacts to my repeated posts I know that I am still being censored or ‘shadow banned’ or whatever you want to call it: I feel as if I have no voice. I have not had free speech in over 10 years and I still do not have free speech.

Now my thoughts about this whole operation of Elon’s is that he is a Deep State player like anyone above a certain level is. His job is to try to fool people into

a: thinking that Twitter is being overhauled and is now a free speech platform and

b: returning to Twitter (where the perception management of the public continues)

I’m guessing that between FaceBook, YouTube and Twitter a lot of people have left because of fake user accounts, bots, censorship and all the trolling by the ‘perception management specialists’. (I know that’s why I left.)

It seems to me the establishment wants you on these platforms because it’s so easy to control the information there. Searching Twitter, YouTube or FaceBook for information and news is like turning on the TV for news. Some things you just won’t ever hear about because it’s all being controlled. And it’s been that way for a long time now.


Plume-Gate Abstract linked here.

Free E-Book on Fukushima cover-up linked here.