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Orlando Massacre vs. Plume-gate

Every time I hear President Obama (and Hillary Clinton for that matter) say at a press conference that they are concerned for the safety of Americans and that we need gun control I almost throw up in my mouth. Both participated in the cover-up that will kill MILLIONS OF AMERICANS: mostly by cancer, a slow torturous death to be sure.

Especially vulnerable to the ongoing Fukushima fallout are children, whose cells are dividing at a higher rate. The cover-up is known as Plume-Gate AND I PROVED OBAMA KNEW FUKUSHIMA WAS A ‘WORST CASE SCENARIO’ BUT TOLD AMERICANS NOT TO EXPECT HARMFUL LEVELS OF FALLOUT. The President and his family even flew to South America on an unscheduled trip to avoid the worst of the initial plumes and fallout.

aaa cancer

I have over 400 pages of proof, in your government’s own words, that they knew the truth of the impact of the fallout on Navy sailors AND on the U.S. but lied to us intentionally. By 2030 conservative projections place fatalities around 1.3 MILLION AMERICANS. Most won’t face a quick death by gunshot in a nightclub but will die a death by cancer most cruel.


I find it outrageous that Obama, Hillary and the media call for gun control but refuse to address the nuclear crisis that will kill millions by way of cancer. This is a criminal act; to hide from the public information which could save the lives of our children and loved ones. Why are these bastards not put on trial and jailed for life?

If only apathetic and ignorant Americans would actually research for themselves what is really going on instead of relying on the Operation Mockingbird mainstream AND Operation Mockingbird alternative media for the facts. How can we make informed decisions without the facts? Its simple: we cannot.

And since NO DEMOCRATIC OR REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE will say the ‘F’ word or the ‘N’ word (Fukushima or Nuclear) I only foresee a continuance of the sorrows of empire. -HP


 Related Links
Plume-Gate Abstract
Something Wicked This Way Comes: the Story of Plume-Gate the World’s Largest Provable Cover-Up in PDF

Hatrick Penry for President in 2016

Hatrick Penry for President in 2016

By Hatrick ‘Hattie’ Penry

August 20th, 2015

If I could wave a magic wand and become President AND if I could then wave that magic wand 50 more times here is what I would make happen, in no particular order:

1) Open Presidential debates to more than just the republican/democratic parties.

2) Allow Americans a ‘vote of no confidence’ at the end of 1 year (President and Congress.)

3) Allow for proportional representation.

4) Decriminalize cannabis in all U.S. states, end the war on drugs, release all non-violent drug offenders from prison.

5) Pass legislation outlawing aerosol engineering (bring back and pass H.R. 2977 in original form).

chem 2

6) Enact the ‘Freedom From Disinformation Act’: pass legislation making intentional, organized deception of the American public a felony.

7) Bring all troops home, close all bases around the world and cease all warfare.

8) Reverse GATT, NAFTA, TPPA etc.

9) Close multiple agencies and begin arrests en masse of employees of all agencies who committed acts of treason or criminal acts.

10) Arrest/fire Congress and replace with Americans drawn from the ranks of the working poor as would be done in assembling a jury.

11) Members of Congress and their staff shall have 1 year term limits and be paid by the state of their origin. Their salaries shall be reduced to a living wage.

12) Arrest bankers involved in the financial meltdowns.

13) Arrest the 5,198 Pentagon and DOD child porn transmitters, this includes the 76 that had Top Secret clearances.

14) Charge any and all former Presidents and members of their administrations with war crimes as the evidence indicates.

15) Open a real investigation into 911 following all leads and making arrests as needed.

sand people 911

16) Open a real investigation into Plume Gate following all leads and making arrests as needed.

17) Open a real investigation into our military using untraceable weapons (intensified and directed weather systems, remote earthquake technology, tsunami bombs etc.) in the US and abroad.

force 2

18) Open a real investigation into the rash of ‘lone gunman’ shooters in the U.S. in light of what we now know about MKULTRA and CIA/Pentagon efforts to create a ‘robot assassin’ with mind control technology.

19) Create a new court run by the working poor…this court supersedes all courts even the supreme court. This ‘Nuremberg’ type court will be responsible for trying those arrested for treason.

20) Arrest/fire Supreme Court, limit future Supreme Court terms.

21) Cease all funding for drones.

22) Outlaw fluoride as an additive in drinking water.

23) Begin the systematic shut down and decommissioning of all nuclear plants.

24) Release all suppressed patents/technologies in the U.S.

From David Wilcox Source Field Investigations

25) Reverse the decision that gave corporations the rights of persons.

26) Limit and make transparent any and all campaign financing during elections.

27) End Obama-care and create universal health care similar to what France has or any other system based on creating healthier humans not healthier profits.

28) Outlaw genetically modified foods, seeds and animals.

29) Pass a farm bill that distributes land to poor families that are willing to farm non-GMO crops/animals in an effort to create a healthy food supply for all Americans.

30) Outlaw the lobbying of government officials.

31) Shut down and decommission H.A.A.R.P. and launch an investigation into the potential for abuse with the GWEN towers.

32) Restore the Bill of Rights by whatever means necessary.

33) Form a committee to examine how the Constitution has been subverted and to create countermeasures to prevent future subversions.

34) Nationalize the Federal Reserve and print Constitutional money.

35) Forgive/remove national debt and all personal debt.

36) Release all documentation related to the JFK assassination and launch a new investigation.

37) Dismantle the nuclear stockpile and cease all funding for future nuclear weapons.

rainwater warnings

38) Leave the United Nations.

39) Remove all U.S. weapons and weapon systems from Europe.

40) Create a program to rebuild America’s infrastructure and build a train system comparable to China’s train system.

41) Close the IRS and institute a fair, across the board flat tax (or any system which is simple, logical and fair).

42) Have all depleted uranium weapons removed from the arsenal and warehoused/decommissioned.

43) Initiate funding and programs to find CURES for all diseases/illnesses that we are currently TREATING.

44) Cease all foreign aid.

45) Provide funding to house all homeless veterans and provide them with prompt, hassle free medical attention.

46) Form commission to review public school textbooks for accuracy.

47) Replace FaceBook and YouTube with public platforms.

48) Outlaw animal testing.

49) Order the Marines to invade and occupy Cognac, France and take control of their vineyards and distilleries (just kidding!).

50) Give global address of peace and goodwill to world…